Female attractiveness to men 「女性の性的魅力」ねえ?結婚と出会いのタイムラグを考慮せねばなりませんね。USの調査では女性の性的魅力は23歳,婚活競争力は26歳がピークです。30過ぎて結婚した女性は出会い自体は20半ば以前なケースが殆ど。新垣結衣さえ売り時にキャリア優先,しかし出会いはその時期に済ませてるという例に該当https://t.co/z4yvFeoyd2 pic.twitter.com/bB1ql1C8rp
— Spica (@Kelangdbn) May 19, 2021
The type of porn people ages 25 to 44 prefer doesn't really differ much from the younger crowd, but by their mid-40s and early 50s, Pornhub users are totally over teens and squirting and are into "Japanese" and "massage." One interesting finding: "MILF" seems to be a porn staple for all adults—it's among the top five search terms in every age group.
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