
Eternity and a Day


この曲の魅力に惹かれて、この映画みてみたいな、と思ってたんだけど・・・ようやくみてみた。 ハリウッドとはやはり違うね。なかなか情緒のある映画。




infinite or unending time.

a state to which time has no application; timelessness.


1 For a very long time, as in He's been working on that book forever and a day. This hyperbolic expression probably originated as a corruption of the now obsolete for ever and ay. Shakespeare used it in The Taming of the Shrew (4:4): “Farewell for ever and a day.” Today it is mainly a substitute for “very long time.” [c. 1600]







🐱野尻美保子(リセットさん)さんがリツイートしました www...どっちでもええやん。

 町山智浩さんがリツイートしました 共産党に志位さんかわったほうがいいんじゃないか? kazukazu88さんがリツイートしました
...reported Hillary Clinton had died and been replaced by a body double for a debate with Trump
しかし、おかしなことを考えるやつはどこにでもいるもんだな。 日本は睨みきかせないとダメだな。 さっこ先生の説明すごくわかりやすくていいと思うんだけど。

Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted


 The idea that the kind of food matters more than the number of calories consumed started as a heretical minority view but has gradually become mainstream. The old thinking that all calories are alike and obesity was caused by lack of willpower couldn’t explain why poverty, food deserts and obesity have been concentrated in the same communities.

But emerging from the fray is some agreement about the kind of diet that’s harmful to human health. Unfortunately, it includes the food that’s cheapest, most convenient, most available in poor areas, and most heavily marketed — foods and drinks that are high in sugar or corn syrup, and starchy foods such as white bread, chips and fries. 

When in the form of fruits, vegetables, beans or some whole grains, they are absorbed slowly because of the fibrous plant material surrounding the carbohydrates, but in white bread or sugary cereal or soda they’re absorbed fast and generate spikes of insulin. That insulin causes people to feel hungrier and put on weight. 

What nobody seems to thrive on is sugar, white flour, soda and fries. In his experience, people choose the wrong foods for economic reasons. “Many low-income families would love to have access to healthier whole foods.”


むかし、「お嬢」と呼ばれている女性がいた。(てか、おれが多少嫌味をこめて、呼んでいたら、そうなったーー本人は気に入っていた。) 意外と身近にあるP2P通信!そのメリット/デメリットやISMSでの考え方 

 へええ。どうなるんだろう。 具体的にはどんな危険性あるんだろうね? そういえば、日動火災は台風の損害でドバっとおりたけど、損保ジャパンは全然だめだったな。解約したわ。






Japan: Joining the Nuclear Weapons Club? It Could. “…the prospect no longer appears unthinkable.” James R. Holmes By James R. Holmes October 22, 2012 

The problem of constructing nuclear weapons small enough to fit on a missile would remain — but nuclear-armed diesel boats would represent a viable course of action should Japan decide to join the nuclear-weapons club. Years down the road, then — not overnight — a modest Japanese nuclear deterrent might put out to sea. Will Tokyo proceed down that road? I doubt it. But the prospect no longer appears unthinkable.

The U.S. Should Get Out of the Way in East Asia’s Nuclear Debates South Korea and Japan can decide their own destinies. By Robert E. Kelly, a professor of political science at Pusan National University. My Extended Comments on Potential South Korean/Japanese Nuclearization for the Asian Leadership Conference and Foreign Policy Magazine
This would not be the first time the United States has tacitly accepted another country’s nuclearization. Ostensibly, the US has supported the NPT for decades. In practice though, Washington tolerates at least six states’ unwillingness to build down, per the reduction exhortation of the NPT’s Article VI: itself, Britain, France, Israel, India, and Pakistan. By the vague standard implied by these examples – friendship with America, reasonable state capacity, passably liberal and democratic South Korea and Japan more than clear the bar for a US NPT ‘exemption.’

 ROK/Japanese nuclearization could serve shared regional interests by providing supplemental, local deterrence (as British and French nukes did during the Cold War) and by improving alliance burden-sharing. Further, the threat of ROK/Japanese nuclearization might finally prompt Pyongyang and Beijing to take North Korean denuclearization negotiations seriously

アメリカの論者のなかにも日本の核武装に肯定的な人たちが出てきている。 日本人からも声をあげないと。


へええ。 ョン・フォン・ノイマン






(139)旧統一教会問題、〝沈黙〟の保守に矜持はないのか! 2022/10/29 11:00 桑原 聡






Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted

 'Out of touch with reality': Alleged Paul Pelosi attacker posted Jan. 6 conspiracy theories

David DePape said trial of Derek Chauvin was 'a modern lynching,' falsely indicating George Floyd died of drug overdose.

ByCasey Tolan, Curt Devine, Daniel A. Medina and Majlie de Puy Kamp, CNN, CNNWire

Saturday, October 29, 2022 

Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. "The death rates being promoted are what ever 'THEY' want to be promoted as the death rate," one post read.

DePape also posted links to YouTube videos with titles like "Democrat FARCE Commission to Investigate January 6th Capitol Riot COLLAPSES in Congress!!!" and "Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed)"

Two days after former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of killing George Floyd, DePape wrote that the trial was "a modern lynching," falsely indicating that Floyd died of a drug overdose.

Mike Lindell

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Michael James Lindell (born June 28, 1961),[4] also known as the My Pillow Guy,[5] is an American businessman, political activist, and conspiracy theorist.

トランプ大統領選挙不正/ワクチンは致命的/ ジョージフロイド裁判


kazukazu88 Retweeted 日本でも早いとこ、同性婚でも別姓婚でも認めてやればいいのに・・・反対する人は何を恐れているいるのか?・・・認められても、恐れていることはたぶん起きない

  US warns North Korea that use of nuclear weapons 'will result in end of Kim's regime' The warning came as North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles towards Japan. US officials said: "There is no scenario in which the Kim regime could employ nuclear weapons and survive" ByCharlie JonesNews Reporter 12:40, 28 Oct 2022 
In it US officials emphasised the need to "to make clear to the Kim regime the dire consequences should it use nuclear weapons".

It went on: "Any nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its Allies and partners is unacceptable and will result in the end of that regime.

"There is no scenario in which the Kim regime could employ nuclear weapons and survive."

 北朝鮮が核攻撃すれば「金正恩政権は終わり」 米国防総省

 AFPBB News 2022/10/28 08:12

 池田信夫 Retweeted
例えば、「ワクチンうったら変なことおきるんじゃね?」→「うわ、しゃべれねえ」(自己暗示)・・・みたいのも因果関係ありになるのけ? 医療費のことを考えると、バーっと預金つかっちゃって、生活保護受けたほうがいいかもな。 イギリスに行ってみたいとも思わないが、そんなにまずいイギリスの食事というのを一度たべてみたい気もする。 

 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted いい話だね。


横須賀に来る! 海上自衛隊観艦式に韓国が大型艦を派遣へ 多国間訓練にも参加 




Shoko Egawa Retweeted 🐱野尻美保子(リセットさん) Retweeted へええ。





 「日本のランドセル主義はそろそろ見直す時期」 こっちを見出しにすればよかったのに。


 「どうだ、かっちょええだろう」「ばかじゃないの!」 外国に拠点があるからではなく、
厳しい隣国批判を通じて「保守」としての自分を表現してきた自民党政治家の相当数が、かなり特異な反日思考のもと日本の信者からお金を搾取し隣国に流す団体と、長年付き合ってきた。 「保守」政治家が守ろうとした日本とは何だったのか



Sword Verses

There are two principal verses in the Quran (9:5 and 9:29) that are called "sword verses" though the word 'sword' does not occur in the Quran.[51] Quran 9:5, in particular, from Surah At-Tawba is known as the Sword Verse or Verse of the Sword (Ayat al-sayf).

But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

— Surah At-Tawbah 9:5 -Yusuf Ali

Reuven Firestone says that Ibn Kathir held that four of the "sword verses" refer specifically to "four types of people against whom the Muslims are obligated to fight: 9:5 refers to fighting the idolaters; 9:29 refers to fighting the Scriptuaries until they pay the poll tax; 9:73 refers to fighting those who outwardly appear as Muslims but who actually oppose Muhammad and the community of Islam, and 49:9 refers to fighting Muslims who unjustly oppress other Muslims."[52]

Patricia Crone states that the famous Verse of the Sword is directed against a particular group accused of oath-breaking and aggression, and exempts those polytheists who remained faithful. Crone states that this verse seems to be based on the rules mentioned above. Here also it is stressed that one must stop when they do.[53] Oliver Leaman says that Quran 60:8 implies that "non-Muslims of good will and pacific nature cannot be the targets of war simply on account of their different religious background".[12]







まあ、作り話としてもウケるな。 かもしれないが、ただ、おれは、この報道の自由度ランキングまるで信じていない。 免許ないのも困るけど



Prometheus: I sowed in them blind hopes. 情動論5)



O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! 情動論4)


Companionate Love. Companionate love also centers on feelings of intimacy and love, with pleasure stemming from the interaction of positive regard and concern for mutual well-being. Its dramatic plot, desiring or participating in affection, usually but not necessarily reciprocated, is very similar to romantic love. Parents love their children, and children their parents. Women can love other women whom they may consider their best friends and with whom they want to be, without any evident erotic component. Men feel love for other men too, though in our society they are sometimes(PAp110)



'Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.'



The dramatic plot of romantic love is clear to most of us: desiring or participating in affection and physical intimacy, usually but not necessarily reciprocated. The problematic nature of reciprocity recognizes that one may love without being loved in return, what we referred to earlier as unrequited love. In this case, love is a consequence of the wish to love and be loved, not necessarily the reality of being loved in return Love brings with it strong impulses to approach the partner, to touch, and to interact for mutual sexual gratification. In love, we desire warmth and tenderness. We are interested and concerned about the well-being of the other.



Love, for example, was once not considered relevant to marriage, which was a social and business relationship, with the main societal business being the raising of children. A marriage was negotiated by parents rather than the young couple, and love did not enter the negotiation. Couples were sometimes told that they would learn to love each other, and this probably happened in some cases(PAp107)


Sternberg の愛の三角理論も紹介されている。

Triangular theory of love

From Wikipedia

愛とは「親密さ」「熱情」「献身・義理」からなるものでそれぞれの多寡により、さまざまな愛がありえる、と。親密になりたいだけなら「好き」熱情だけなら「夢中」義理だけなら空虚な愛 などなど。


However, to my mind his analysis fails to distinguish love as a social relationship from love as an emotion —that is, as a relational theme or meaning that comes and goes, that can be latent at one moment and actively aroused at another




Sadness is an especially interesting and obscure emotion. It is usually said to be linked to a loss such as the death of someone we love, the failure of a central life value or role, or the loss of the positive regard of another 

As I have already pointed out, the core relational theme in sadness is not just loss, but irrevocable loss; in other words, there is a sense of helplessness about restoration of the loss, which is why I used the term irrevocable. ( EA248)




The type of ego-involvement (appraisal component 3) that is distinctive of sadness is a loss that diminishes the scope of one's ego-identity. Not all losses are of this sort (for example, minor ones), but most important losses result also in a loss of ego-identity. Sadness may also be unique in that any of the six types of ego-identity may be involved.(EAp249)


In sadness there seems to be no clear action tendency —except inaction, or withdrawal into oneself—that seems consistent with the concept of a mood. 


The initial reaction to death of a loved one, as we said, is often one of numbness or shock. There may be no tears; it is almost as if the bereaved person has not fully realized what has happened or is denying it.... The rituals of the funeral, such as viewing the body, the gathering of the family, the eulogy, the lowering of the body into the grave or the scattering of the ashes, all can help the bereaved person to assimilate the fact of death


 We regard grief, or more properly grieving, as the process of coping with loss. People grieve over any important loss—their job, role in the world, wealth, and so forth—but mostly they think of grieving in the context of the death of a loved one.....

As we have said, anger, anxiety, guilt, and hope all may play a role in the transformation of grief into sadness. The anger of grieving may be directed at the medical system that failed, or at someone who is deemed blameworthy for the death.(PAp79)



 Silberschatz and Sampson (1991) provide an example of a person watching a movie about a love story in which little emotion is experienced when the lovers quarrel but is moved to tears at the happy ending in which they are reunited. What is said to happen is that the moviegoer has identified, unconsciously perhaps, with one of the lovers. When they are separated in the movie, the viewer is threatened by the impulse to feel sad and, therefore, intensifies his defenses against sad feelings. When the lovers are reunited in the story, however, there is no longer a reason to feel sad and he can afford safely to experience sadness, and so abandons the defense against the previously warded-off feeling. (EAp252)




The core relational theme tor pride is enhancement of one's ego-identity by taking credit for a valued object or achievement, either our own or that of someone or group with whom we identify —for example, a compatriot, a member of the family, or a social group.


  If we have little to be proud of, we may identify with a famous group, whether religious, sporting, political, ethnic, or national. The exaggerated need to puff ourselves up through this identification and to exclude or even denigrate outgroups is also referred to as ethnocentrism, which is a major factor in prejudice (EAp274).



The personal meaning of John's gratitude was his warm belief that the professor had gone out of his way to help him by making a positive contribution to his life. The gift had been given without strings or personal gain, and so John regarded it as altruistic. (PRp118)

The primary basis for feeling grateful is that one is needy and another person voluntarily helps to supply what is needed. 


Others might resent their poverty; they blame society, and people who are well to-do are, therefore, objects of envy. Many regard what is done for them as the right of an exploited victim, and so experience no gratitude. (PR119)


Hope 希望

The Tale of Pandora is ambiguous. Was hope another ill like the others that had escaped, or was it a benefactor left behind to aid humankind? The Greeks seemed ambivalent about hope; but in general they viewed it more as a bane rather than a boon.

These authors also point out that Plato spoke of hope as easily led astray, and Euripedes referred to hope as a curse upon humanity. In contrast, the JudeoChristian outlook treats hope as highly valued, one of the three theological virtues (EAp283)

 希望というのは、おもしろい気持ちであって、 エウリピデスはそれを呪いだ、としたが、ユダヤ・キリスト教徒は価値ある美徳としている、と。ギリシャ人の態度はあいまいだが、どちらかというと恩恵というより悩みの種のように考えていたんだ、と。



Pandora's box

From Wikipedia

Why was it a good thing that hope remained in Pandora's box?

Friedrich Nietzsche: "Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of men." 

Hope and Pandora’s Box

March 11, 2017

Chorus: Did you perhaps go further than you have told us?

Prometheus – I stopped mortals from foreseeing their fate.

Chorus – What kind of cure did you discover for this sickness?

Prometheus – I established in them blind hopes.

Chorus – This is a great benefit you gave to men.





 We hope that a negative outcome won't happen, but we suspect it might. (PRp9)

Future expectations must be uncertain to sustain hope; put differently, conditions must be unfavorable but not hopeless. (EA 284)

Primary Appraisal Components

1. If there is goal relevance, then any emotion is possible, including hope. 

2. If there is goal incongruence, then any negative emotion is possible, and hope, too, which I have

called problematic; if there is goal congruence, then hope is not necessary.

Most secondary appraisal components are not involved. However:

7. Future expectations must be uncertain to sustain hope; put differently, conditions must be unfavorable but not hopeless.(EA284)

 希望というのは状況が悪いから希望するのであって、うまくいっていれば希望などもつ必要がない。悪い状況で、将来どうなるかわからないが、 いいことが起きることもありえると認識する場合、希望という情動が発生するんだ、と。







O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! 情動論4)



Envy Jeaousy
The core relational theme for envy is wanting what someone else has. The core relational theme for jealousy is resenting a third party for loss or threat to another's affection.EA p254


Envy is a two-person emotion. Jealousy, in contrast, is a three-way triangle in which someone threatens or has taken what we consider ours, most often the affection of a third party. Doris was initially jealous of her sister, but later, when there was no third party, she suffered from envy. We envy the person who has a good job but are jealous of the person who got the good job to which we aspired.(PRp31)


 what she sees as lacking symbolizes the constant sense of being treated unfairly and not properly appreciated. People with such characterological envy feel a fundamental deprivation that goes to the very heart of their personal and social identity. It is as if Doris is saying, "As a person I deserve more from the world." This is the personal meaning of the envy that defeats her.(PAp29)


The action tendency for envy is to seek and possess the positively valued person.....Anger, with its impulse to attack, is the most prominent action tendency in jealousy,(EAp257)



Melanie Klein (1957) portrays jealousy as stemming from greed stimulated by fear, which signifies that someone else (e.g., another sibling) has taken over or has been given the "good breast," which by right is felt to belong to the one who is jealous. (MAp259)


What Is Envy? The Definition and Consequence of this Deadly Sin


Though Shakespeare does not provide explicit clues, one motive that can be readily inferred to explain the foolishness of this otherwise heroic figure is the paranoia of a minority person in a foreign culture —Othello is black, an African Moor, in a society of Iberian whites.


IAGO. O, beware, my lord, of jealousy!

It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock

The meat it feeds on.






”compassion” ってのは、「同情」だけど、この方のいうように、日本語で、ぴったりくる単語はないかなあ。

 英語では、おれなんか、”the Compassionate Buddha”を連想する。いわばブッタとセットみたいなもので、だから、日本語だと「慈悲心」とか「慈しむ」みたいな感じかもしれないが、同情で類語をみると、「憐れに思う」とか、「思いやる」みたいのが近いのかなあ。ラザラスは、

The personal meaning of compassion is that one understands that another human being, like oneself, is suffering and deserves help. 





Compassion, Aristo「tle argues, is a painful emotion directed at another person’s misfortune or suffering (Rhet. 13 8 5 b ! 3 ff.). 



Compassion, then, has three cognitive elements: the judgment of size(a serious bad event has befallen someone); the judgment of nondesert (this person did not bring the suffering on himself or herself); and the eudaimonistic judgment (this person, or creature, is a significant element in my scheme of goals and projects, an end whose good is to be promoted). The Aristotelian judgment o f similar possibilities is an epistemological aid to forming the eudaimonistic judgment - not necessary, but usually very important. 

1)苦しみが甚大で 2)苦しみに値するようなことはしていない 3)自分にとって大切な存在者である 



Thus Clark finds that Americans are on the whole less ready than Europeans to judge that poverty is bad luck, given the prevalence of the belief that initiative and hard work are important factors in determining economic success. Similarly, Americans have been slow to judge that sexual assault is a “ plight,” even if it is clearly a wrongful act against the woman, because they retain attitudes suggesting that the woman “ brought it on herself” - by walking alone in a dangerous place, for example. On the other hand, alcoholism and drug abuse are surprisingly likely - and more likely than in previous generations - to be seen as things that “ fall on” the person through no fault of her own.



Why are kings without pity for their subjects? Because they count on never being human beings. Why are the rich so hard toward the poor? It is because they have no fear of being poor.・・・・

 王様が臣民に対してい無慈悲でいられるのも、金持ちが貧乏人に同情心がわかないのも、 自分たちが臣民なったり貧乏になる可能性が薄いからだ、と。

Raoul Hilherg shows how pervasively Nazi talk of Jews, in connection with their murder, portrayed them as nonhuman:either as beings of a remote animal kind, such as insects or vermin, or as inanimate objects, “ cargo” to be transported




 truly omniscient deity ought to know the significance of human suffering without thinking of its own risks or bad prospects, and a truly loving deity will be intensely concerned for the ills befalling mortals without having to think of more personal loss or risk.


 それでもいいけど、仏教的には山川草木悉皆成仏。「天地と我と同根、万物と我と一体」といわれるわけで、姿形は似ていなくても根底の同一性を観ることでやはり、あなたの苦しみは私の苦しみ、苦しみをとりのぞいてあげたい、といったcompassion の説明はつく。、






A M E R I C A N  P S Y C H O L O G I C A L  A S S O C I A T I O Nの定義にもあるけど、情動ってのは本人とって重要ななにかに対処するとき発動されているもんなんだね。

In fact, whenever we experience an emotion, it indicates that something personally important has happened to us. What has happened is seen as harmful, threatening, or beneficial. (PA p.5)






ても情動は発動する。情感だけではなく、馬鹿にされたら、例えば、怒って、反撃してやろうとか、相手が強かったら逃げようとか、ある種の行動性向 Action Tendency を伴っている。行動性向なんだから、おれは衝動とか欲求といってしまってかまわないんじゃないか、と思っている。


. Anger is not aggression, but the impulse to attack






The Arousal of Anger. The dramatic plot for anger is a demeaning offense against me or mine. When we have been slighted, we all have a built-in impulse to retaliate, to exact vengeance for the slight so that our wounded egos can be restored(PRp20)

怒り、というのは例えば、ある発言を「おれをコケにしやがって」と評価したときにでる感情であって、仕返ししてやる! という行動性向を伴っているん、だ、と。

Anger may be defined as a belief that we, or our friends, have been unfairly slighted, which causes in us both painful feelings and a desire or impulse for revenge. (EAp217)



A key secondary appraisal component is blame, which depends on who, if anyone, is taken to be accountable for the damage or threat to our identity. If the accountability is internal—that is, if we hold ourselves responsible— we experience either anger at ourselves, guilt, or shame. If none is held accountable, sadness rather than anger is a candidate. 


They have control over their actions, and their inconsideration demeans us. Imagine, however, the scenario in which we begin to rage over such a slight, then discover that the clerk was actually talking at length to a doctor in an emergency room where her child had been taken after an accident. Now the anger suddenly turns to guilt, shame, or shared anxiety, because control cannot legitimately be imputed to the distraught mother. Store clerks who can't help themselves for other reasons —for example, because there are too many customers —are also blameless and do not warrant our anger. (EAp223)


以上のような怒る条件を満足していたとしても、相手が強すぎたら、 怒りの変装させるか、矛先を変えるしかない。


on the tree top.

When the wind blows

the cradle will rock.

When the bow breaks

the cradle will fall;

and down will come baby,

cradle and all.



Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top


While benign on the surface, this nursery rhyme communicates a political threat. If the illegitimate baby on the tree top (indicating the topmost position in the land) became heir to the throne, then the revolutionary winds of change would blow and wreak havoc—the bow would break and the throne (cradle) would fall. 

王室批判の唄で、 「非合法な子供が世継ぎしたら、革命的な風がふいて王座も失墜するぞ」という意味なのだが、まともにそんなこと言ったら命が危ういので、こういう形で批判しているのだ、と。


. A common way to avoid the dangers of expressing anger is to displace it; rather than aiming it at the powerful person whom we fear, we direct it instead at another person who poses no threat. A helpless or otherwise despised minority can be chosen against whom we can vent our frustration with society or our position in it. (PRp23)


What makes people vulnerable to anger? One personality characteristic that explains the readiness to get angry is how secure people are about their identities and the positions they hold in society. Since anger is a reaction to being slighted or demeaned, those easily angered are more likely to have grave doubts about who they are. Their egos are shaky. Insecure people—uncertain of their own worth—are more likely than secure people to be provoked by mild provocations and ambiguous situations. 


 怒りっぽい人というのは、自分が何であるか、といった自己像そして、社会における自分の地位が不安定な人だ、と。 自分の価値が自分で安定していないから、ちょっとの言動でコケにされたと評価して、怒り始めるわけだね。









。 だな。 中国への依存も減らさないといかん、ということだな。 国民民主 たまちゃん、いいね。 

 動画のまとめを文章で出すべきだな。倍速にしても時間がかかりすぎる。 統一協会をかばう右派が信じられん。 kazukazu88 Retweeted お面をつけたようではなくて、よがり顔までホンモノだ、と視聴者を騙せたとしたら・・・技術の進歩はすごいよなあ。 警察はもっと他のところに労力を費やせよ、といったところ。


JPN日本の旗 日本33.45.21.2815.736.4
KOR大韓民国の旗 韓国33.14.81.2815.330.2
NORノルウェーの旗 ノルウェー26.
BELベルギーの旗 ベルギー26.

USAアメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国39.56.31.811836.8


町山智浩 Retweeted 普段からマイノリティーをいろんな配役でつかっていれば、マイノリティー役を誰がやろうが問題ない話。 売国HANADA