

外人が路上や電車で寝ている日本人に関心を寄せるが、これも一つの理由なのか? buvery さん国際結婚さん、埼玉県となれば、クルド人か?




 クルド人が通名つかっているのか? 😎


‘People will die anyway’: Pressure on Boris Johnson over Covid messages

Inquiry told of comments made by former prime minister during meeting discussing pandemic response

Ben Quinn Political correspondent


Mon 30 Oct 2023

The note was from a meeting during which Johnson was believed to have said: “We’re killing the patient to tackle the tumour. Large ppl [taken to mean large numbers of people] who will die, why are we destroying economy for people who will die anyway soon.”




 Scottish Prime Minister Humza Yousaf, son of Pakistani immigrants to Glasgow, hates white Europeans. Real racist.


However, Covid remains a more serious illness than a typical cold, with one study showing that for people who become ill enough to be hospitalised, Covid still has a higher risk of death. 

If you have symptoms, should you stay off work, isolate, and do you need to test?
It is still advisable to stay at home and avoid social contact if you have Covid symptoms. However, views vary on testing. Shropshire community NHS trust apologised last week after issuing an email warning staff not to test for Covid because it could result in them “having to remain at home for longer than their symptoms persist”. Pagel said: “I think that’s just ridiculous.
Who is being offered a booster this time around?
This autumn, boosters are being offered to everyone over 65 years old and those who are clinically vulnerable. 


A U.S.-China Grand Bargain?



 池田信夫 reposted



 「漏洩」文書が事実かどうかは未確証だろうが、いずれにせよ現状をなるべく客観的に見ようとすると明らかにイスラエルはそのように行動している。 https://t.co/3AJVjHiNIg

— 篠田英朗 Hideaki SHINODA (@ShinodaHideaki) October 29, 2023


 ガザを「open air prison」(天井のない監獄)と呼ぶのは全くの誤りで、その実態は「concentration camp」(強制収容所)


It is only getting harder. Twenty months into the war, about a fifth of Ukraine’s territory remains under Russian occupation. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians have been killed, and Zelensky can feel during his travels that global interest in the war has slackened. So has the level of international support.

Another tells me that, most of all, Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it.

The Democrats, for their part, wanted to understand where the war was headed, and how badly Ukraine needed U.S. support. “They asked me straight up: If we don’t give you the aid, what happens?” Zelensky recalls. “What happens is we will lose.”



ウクライナ戦争について、日本のIR学者、ツイッター ミリオタはあてにならんかったね。 

Will China’s Rise Lead to War? Why Realism Does Not Mean Pessimism By Charles Glaser March/April 2011 Published on March 1, 2011
In the March 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs, Charles Glaser makes similar arguments in analyzing Sino-American relations from the perspective of international relations theory.[3] He rejects the Realist prediction that a rising China inevitably will clash with the United States, the reigning global power. Glaser explains that China’s rise need not threaten US interests because “there is actually little reason to believe that [Beijing] has or will develop grand territorial ambitions in its region or beyond.” Therefore, Washington’s priority should be avoiding unnecessary conflict, not countering or containing China’s growing power. The best opportunity to reassure Beijing that the United States is not countering or containing it, he argues, is to yield to Beijing’s preferences regarding Taiwan. Glaser adds, “The challenge for the United States will come in making adjustments to its policies in situations in which less-than-vital interests (such as Taiwan) might cause problems and in making sure it does not exaggerate the risks posed by China’s growing power and military capabilities.”




” Hell is raining down on Gaza ”

”free free Gaza, free free Israel”ってジハードなわけ? ハマス崇拝者がいるのは、やっぱ、こわいね。 



It's like we are literally living in a horro movie 




@trtworld Worldwide marches in support of Palestine continue for the ninth day as Israel refuses to halt its offensive on Gaza. Protesters chant “occupation is a crime,” “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea,” among other slogans. #palestine #gaza #protests #occupation #propalestineprotest ♬ original sound - TRT World
@aljazeeraenglish “Long live Palestine!” From #Sydney to #NewYork, hundreds of thousands of people gathered around the world this weekend to show solidarity with #Palestinians and to demand #Israel stop its bombardment of the #GazaStrip. #palestine #israel #gaza #news ♬ original sound - Al Jazeera English






 Palestinian Lives Matter Too: Jewish Scholar Judith Butler Condemns Israel’s “Genocide” in Gaza 

 Judith Butler ってユダヤ人なんだね。


”I do condemn without qualification the violence committed by Hamas. ”

Yes, understanding Hamas, Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that are part of a global Left, is extremely important. That does not stop us from being critical of certain dimensions of both movements. It doesn’t stop those of us who are interested in non-violent politics from raising the question of whether there are other options besides violence. So again, a critical, important engagement. I mean, I certainly think it should be entered into the conversation on the Left. I similarly think boycotts and divestment procedures are, again, an essential component of any resistance movement.” 




 In fact, I do condemn without qualification the violence committed by Hamas. This was a terrifying and revolting massacre. That was my primary reaction, and it endures. But there are other reactions as well.

 Let’s be clear, Israeli violence against Palestinians is overwhelming: relentless bombing, the killing of people of every age in their homes and on the streets, torture in their prisons, techniques of starvation in Gaza and the dispossession of homes. And this violence, in its many forms, is waged against a people who are subject to apartheid rules, colonial rule and statelessness. When, however, the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee issues a statement claiming that ‘the apartheid regime is the only one to blame’ for the deadly attacks by Hamas on Israeli targets, it makes an error. It is wrong to apportion responsibility in that way, and nothing should exonerate Hamas from responsibility for the hideous killings they have perpetrated. 





Source ?evidence?  というコメントに返答なし。


Did Hamas bake a baby to death in an oven? Asked today Modified today Viewed 5k times

Islamic Atrocities: Baby Was Found in an Oven, Baked to Death by Hamas Terrorists By Pamela Geller - on October 29, 2023 


 Pamela Geller (born 1958) is an American anti-Muslim, far-right political activist, blogger and commentator.[

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nope 4/7 of the images are either old or from what the idf did in Palestine images 4 , 5 are old . image 4 is from when the idf bombed a school and killed 15 kids and injured 90 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/30/gaza-another-un-school-hit-in-further-night-of-fierce-bombardment image 5 is from april 2023 https://www.jns.org/analysis-israel-tells-hamas-it-cant-keep-gaza-out-of-the-line-of-fire/ the last 2 are screenshots from a video and image 2 is 15 days old


 Did Hamas bake a baby to death in an oven?




 Schizophrenia: The Most Horrifying Mental Illness 




♬ original sound - …

buvery reposted へええ だな。 町山さんもおじいさんか。おれもクソジジイ、エロジジイを目指そう。 

 kazukazu88 reposted いいと思うけど「人道性の回復を」というのは・・・どういうことかな? ellipsis marks 「イレプシス」ねええ・・・知らんかった・・・・忘れると思う。

”The perpetrators of genocide often see themselves as the victims.”





Why Do People Hate Jews?



After Jesus died, his followers started a new religion called Christianity. As Christianity spread, and as more and more Roman emperors converted to the religion, Jews became marginalized in society, even though Jews worshipped the same God as Christians did. Roman rulers viewed the refusal of the Jewish community to accept Jesus as the Messiah as a threat.



On the Jews and Their Lies

In the treatise, he argues that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes burned, and property and money confiscated. Luther claimed they should be shown no mercy or kindness,[3] afforded no legal protection,[4] and "these poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time.[5] He also advocates their murder, writing "[W]e are at fault in not slaying them".[6]

The book may have had an impact on creating later antisemitic German thought.[7] With the rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany, the book became widely popular among its supporters. During World War II, copies of the book were commonly seen at Nazi rallies, and the prevailing scholarly consensus is that it may have had a significant impact on justifying the Holocaust.[8] Since then, the book has been denounced by many Lutheran churches.

「ユダヤ人とその嘘」について というパンフレットのなかでユダヤ人を殺さないことのほうが悪い、みたいなことを書いているんだねーーすさまじいね。


I argue that it appeared
politically prudent to welcome the support of a growing Christian Community and a seemingly successful God who could well gain him victory in the upcoming battle once his victory was assured Constantine then went on to rule with a healthy mixture balancing Pagan practices from the old days with Christian ways of the new his policies granted him a long successful and celebrated reign as the Emperor who emerged Victorious from the throes of Civil War 




  How The Holocaust Happened
Of course, anti-Semitism is mankind’s oldest prejudice, dating back to the foundations of Christianity. The Jews – ‘Christ-killers’ – rejected Jesus and the teachings of the New Testament; as an older and out-of-date religion that Christianity was meant to supersede, the Jews became a natural out-group for Christians.

An early leader of the church, John Chrystotom, wrote in the 5th century, ‘where Christ-killers gather, the cross is ridiculed, God blasphemed, the father unacknowledged, the son insulted, the grace of the spirit rejected….If the Jewish rites are holy and venerable, our way of life must be false. But if our way is true, as indeed it is, theirs is fraudulent’.

Jewish people were stateless, had no allegence to the nation, to the Church, to the race, lived in a cultrally different way and so over the centuries became an easy lightening rod, scapegoats. Jews have been banished, tortured, converted, and killed across Europe in countless episodes over centuries. Pogroms in Russia, for example, were motivated by conspiracy theories that Jews murdered Christian children.

Anti-Semitic actions then were presented by Hitler as defensive. The Nazis were simply heroes, preventing the Judeo-Bolshevik domination of the world. Jews were depicted as having total control of the Soviet Union, of the American government, Wall Street, and Britain. The trick was to consistently associate Jews with the aggressors and Germans as being in a heroic battle, surrounded on all sides, victimised by the rest of the world.

The perpetrators of genocide often see themselves as the victims.

Psychologist Ervin Staub’s research on genocide shows that periods like this are a consistent factor in its occurrence. During this phase, Staub writes, ‘difficult life conditions frustrate basic human needs’. These needs can be the need for security, a feeling of control, the need for a positive identity and social connections, and of course, the need for food, water, shelter. But this alone doesn’t lead to violence.

The ‘frustration of basic human needs’ is almost always experienced relative to some other group. In this context, a vision, an ideology, a politics, a ‘definition of the situation’ as Milgram put it, is more likely to be offered that proposes a particular solution while excluding the status quo factors that seemed to have led to crisis.


 その際、ユダヤ人は加害者で、ドイツ人は被害者 として認識されている。






in 1893 in paris texas the mayor gave the children the day of school so their families could watch and celebrate as a lynch victim was drawn through town on a carnival float pulled by four white horses another school in 1915 also reported that it was delaying teaching until pupils could get back 29:54 from viewing the lynched man children sometimes assisted women in getting wood for the fires one report from waco in 1916 at the lynching of jesse washington said that they got a little boy to light the fire legally you could not arrest a little boy


looking at the data they find that lynchings have four main functions to remove specific people accused of crimes as state-sanctioned terrorism to intimidate and control the black population to eliminate economic social and political competitors as community building in support of white supremacy 34:34 ultimately they describe what they call a threat model of lynchings
they found that african americans were more likely to be attacked when white's access to privileged and scarce resources whether economic social political or otherwise 35:11 were challenged it could be food jobs political offices land or women whenever whites felt their position was under threat the rate of lynching increased







  コスプレ文化と相性がよかったんだろうね。コスプレ祭りなんだろうな。Trick or Treat はないもんな。
これはだねーー中野剛志さん 藤井聡さん 三橋貴明さん 最近では 森永康平さんらの発言や記事や著作からだね・・・私なんかは。




兄が「6歳児へ体罰」で処分の吉田沙保里 “母と地元警察”の理不尽さも際立ち「タレント業に痛手」 FRIDAYデジタル の意見


@biz84845 #ニュース ♬ nhạc nền - テレ東BIZ

@ntv.news 「日本を無料で旅してみた!」などとうたい、新幹線の無賃乗車やホテルでの無銭飲食を行ったとみられる外国人ユーチューバーの動画が問題となっています。JR九州の社長も会見で怒りをあらわにしました。#日テレnews #tiktokでニュース ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 日テレニュース

 東京新聞労働組合 reposted



 池田信夫 reposted ライドシェア解禁だな。



天才はいるんだな。 アルツハイマーの画家が描き続けた自画像の変化 260万 回視聴


 Self Portraits at TRAUMA at Science Gallery Dublin


This Artist Showed How Alzheimer's Changes The Brain & It's Hearbreaking 
