— Strawberry trifle (@berrytrifle) October 19, 2023
苦情あるなら条例があるから22時以降じゃなくずっと閉めるのが普通では https://t.co/K6vXnA7Sk6
全く、その通りです。国民の自由を求めたら、多様性は制限せざるを得ない。というより、多様性という考えそのものが米国の歴史事情から来ており、日本と関係ないんです。LGBTという観念も同じ。 https://t.co/txAP43Fq3H
— buvery (@buvery) October 20, 2023
ポーランドはウクライナ人の難民はとるけど、イスラム教徒の難民はとらない、と。ホストはそれを人種差別と非難するが、国民はそれを望んでいるし、だからこそポーランドは安全なんだ、と。ポピュリストと呼ばれようが、ナショナリスト、レイシストと呼ばれようがかまわない、とポーランドの議員@right_eu Channel 4 host Cathy Newman (2018): “How many refugees has Poland taken?” Polish MEP Dominik Tarczyński: “Zero” Host in shock: “And you’re proud of that?” Tarczyński: “This is why our government was elected. This is why Poland is so safe.” The rest of the West should learn to be like Poland. 0 refugees, 0 attacks. #poland #right #righteu #immigration #migrants #foxnews #fox #belikepoland #dominiktarczyński ♬ original sound - RIGHT EU
No heroes in Hamas-Israel conflict, only victims: Former Saudi intelligence chief@greatopinionshere Finally, Arabs speak out against Hamas!#eryoneisentitledtomyopinion #adviceforabetterlife #truthiscomplicated #israel #Palestine ♬ original sound - user538157563277
Prince Turki Al-Faisal condemns Hamas and Israel for targeting civilians, but says Palestinians have right to resist occupationLambasts Western politicians for ‘shedding tears’ when Israelis are killed, but ‘refuse to even express sorrow’ when Palestinian lives are lost
I categorically condemn hamas's targeting of Civilian targets of any age or gender as it is accused of such targeting belies hamas's claims to an Islamic identity there is an Islamic injunction against the killing of innocent children women and Elders the injunction is also against the desecration of places of worship but equally I condemn Israel's IND disc criminate bombing of Palestinian innocent civilians in Gaza and the attempt to forcibly drive them into sin I condemn Israeli targeted killing and the indiscriminate arrest of00:44Palestinian children women and men and the West Bank two wrongs don't make a right
米国務省職員が退職表明、イスラエルとハマスの衝突に対する米政権の対応に抗議 https://t.co/53V6TMjZlb
— cnn_co_jp (@cnn_co_jp) October 20, 2023
“Let me be clear,” Paul wrote. “Hamas’ attack on Israel was not just a monstrosity; it was a monstrosity of monstrosities. I also believe that potential escalations by Iran-linked groups such as Hezbollah, or by Iran itself, would be a further cynical exploitation of the existing tragedy. But I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response, and for the status quo of the occupation, will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people – and is not in the long term American interest.”これも、そのとーり!
the struggle for dignity, and the inevitability of sufferingdetermination and resilience are the key to facing life's challenges
a universal story of human strength and struggle."
頭山興助5時間 ·平沼赳夫、藤井厳喜、頭山興助三名は、本日を以って、一般社団法人日本クルド友好協会及び、日本クルド友好議員連盟を退会する。両団体の役職名から当該三名の氏名を速やかに削除するよう求める。令和5年10月20日呉竹会会長頭山興助
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