


Guardian-reading wokerati reposted サウジのPrince Turki Al-Faisal にせよ、このインタビュアーにせよ、アラブ世界にハマスにも批判的で、われわれの感覚と同じ感覚の人たちがいるんだ、というところにおれなんかは注目したい。
ハマスはここで何がいいたいかというと、戦争ではコラテラル・ダメージ 巻き添え損害はある、われわれは意図的に市民を殺していない、ということ。

Krishnan Guru-Murthy asks the Israeli Ambassador to the UK how it is possible to “erase Hamas” without causing “massive civilian casualties”.





 ハマスは人質としてみていない。あれは人質ではなくprisoner「囚人」あるいは「捕虜」としてみている。西岸地区でイスラエルはパレスチナ人を逮捕収監しているではないか、あれと同じや、イスラエルで収監されているprisonersと交換して何が悪い! と言いたいのだろう。

 ここらへんは西岸地区でのイスラエルの逮捕・拘束がどれくらい酷いものなのかわからないのでなんとも言えない。しかし、いずれにせよ、two wrongs don't make a right であり、向こうが不当な拘束したら、こっちが不当な拘束をしてもいい、ということにはならない。

⁠Under international law Israel has considerable latitude to defend itself. But it must balance retribution against Hamas with the laws of war.⁠
The conflict has already exacted a grim cost. Hamas’s attack killed more than 1,400 civilians and soldiers in Israel. The Islamist militant group is undoubtedly guilty of war crimes.⁠
Israel’s strikes in response have killed more than 3,500 people in Gaza, and the strip has been unable to receive essential humanitarian aid. ⁠


 普通考えると、イスラエルのやっていることは自衛に必要な限度をはるかに超えている。 Guardian-reading wokerati reposted


  U.S. vetoes UN resolution calling for cease-fire in Israel

Amid the escalating violence in the Israel-Gaza conflict, the blame game on the international stage is intensifying. The recent U.S. veto of a UN resolution calling for a cease-fire illuminated America’s stance, with the U.S. Ambassador delineating a clear line of blame towards Hamas for the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.

In a detailed address, the U.S. Ambassador mourned the tragic loss of life from the explosion at the Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital in Gaza, expressing horror and sadness. Yet, the narrative swiftly pivoted to lay blame when the ambassador stated, ‘Let’s be clear. Hamas’s own actions have brought this on — this severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Hamas has caused so much needless suffering, death, and destruction.’

The U.S. viewpoint reiterating Israel’s right to self-defense has drawn criticism from various quarters, pointing to the stark power disparity between Israel and Gaza, and the devastating toll on civilian life the conflict continues to take. The unfolding narrative of blame, critics argue, overshadows the humanitarian imperative  to alleviate the suffering of those caught in the crossfire.



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ロシアの戦争目的がなんなのかは明確ではないが、ウクライナの領土をかなり取られて終わるんじゃないか、というのがミアシャイマーなんかの見解だよね。 キリスト教と戦争の関係はもともとかなり深い。

Constantine the First Christian Roman Emperor
Whatever your opinion of Constantine, it’s a historical fact that Christianity was spread to more souls by Constantine than by Saint Paul himself.

 On This Day In History: Emperor Constantine I Passes His Famous National Sunday Law – On March 7, 321 AD

AncientPages.com | March 7, 2017

In 312 AD, before his crucial victory over his rival Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine became a "Christian" after claiming to see in broad daylight a vision of "a cross above the sun" with these words proclaimed, "in hoc signo vinces" (by this sign conquer").

Constantine was determined to unite Christianity and paganism to strengthen his collapsing empire. Constantine knew that pagans throughout the empire worshiped the sun on "the first day of the week," He discovered that many Christians, especially in Rome and Alexandria, also kept Sunday because Christ rose from the dead on that day. So Constantine developed a plan to unite both groups on the common platform of Sunday keeping.
 buvery reposted

かりに相手が外国人だとして、おとなしい警官に暴行する外国人は強制送還せんと駄目だろう? 毅然とした対処しないから舐められるのだ。






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