
”if the president of the United States... doesn’t stand up for the moral principle,.... it is a problem. ”




(社説)ガザ「戦争」 報復の連鎖 まず止めよ 2023年10月11日 










<社説>パレスチナ衝突 即時停戦へ国際圧力を 2023年10月11日 


三牧聖子 (同志社大学大学院准教授=米国政治外交) 2023年10月11日17時20分 投稿 【視点】記事からは貴重な情報と洞察が得られる。ガザ地区でのハマス支持率は38%にとどまり、72%はハマスによる統治は腐敗していると不満を抱いているという

ハマス=パレスチナ ではない、という点も重要。


 Guardian-reading wokerati reposted





 'Hell on Earth': Mehdi Hasan reveals what life is like in occupied Gaza MSNBC

it's very easy to conflate Hamas which is a militant group that carries out acts of vious Terror as they did this weekend with Gaza which is a place that contains 2.
2 million people Alex half of them children half of the 2.2 million people are children and it's one of the most densely popular populated places on planet Earth you've got 2.2 million people crowded into 141 square miles so they automatically become the victims of Israeli air strikes because it's so crowded

those are the words of the former head of Israeli intelligence just a few months ago tamado he said we're
treating Gaza like an open air prison so that is the context that is so important for us to remember when we talk about Gaza as some kind of you know strange far away place people shouting with guns it's actually a real place with real people families and they're living in horrific conditions Alex you know 59% of Garin live in poverty 63% food insecure 70% of young people unemployed 90% of Garin have no access to clean drinking water the UN Secretary General called it hell on Earth 

 ガザには2百万の人口があるがその半分は子供。59%は貧困、63%は食糧難、70%の若者は失業 90%は衛生的な水が享受できない。



How Israeli Apartheid Destroyed My Hometown 


 地域にはいるのに関門があり、街では兵士が監視している。兵士の気まぐれでパレスチナ人を3時間は逮捕することができる。入植者はパレスチナ人に石をなげ、唾を吐き、投げ飛ばす。兵士は何も言わない。兵士は入植者を守るためにいる。 南アのアパルトヘイトよりひどいんじゃないか?

. Journalist Haggai Matar of +972 Magazine says that while the violence shocked Israelis, the unending military occupation and apartheid set the stage for this weekend’s events. “There is no military solution.


Israeli Conscientious Objector Haggai Matar: Hamas Attack Reflects Israeli Violence in Palestine STORYOCTOBER 10, 2023 

“The Israeli army is routinely raiding into Palestinian cities and refugee camps. The far-right government is giving settlers an entirely free hand to set up new illegal outposts and launch pogroms on Palestinian towns and villages, with soldiers accompanying the settlers and killing or maiming Palestinians trying to defend their homes.” 

Netanyahu has always said, “We can have peace with the Arab world without Palestinians. We can just go over their heads.” And Arab nations and countries and governments and the U.S. government, in brokering this, have proved Netanyahu right. So, Palestinians, without those abilities, are seeing fewer and fewer options to claim their just cause against Israeli apartheid.

I don’t think that justifies massacring hundreds of people in their homes and destroying entire communities of civilians. But at the same time, I understand the context in which Palestinians are feeling more and more desperate and pushed to the point of doing these things.



And are Israelis concerned about the total siege of and possible ground invasion of Gaza, which the U.N., by the way, the siege, has called illegal?

HAGGAI MATAR: No, not at all. It’s actually deeply troubling to see how much rejoicing there is in the siege, in the attacks. We’re seeing people, even people associated with the center and with the left, talking. Haaretz journalists, for example — not all of them, obviously, but some — have said this is a time to cause great damage to Gaza, this is a time to extract many deaths in Gaza. 


Democracy Now

Univ. of MD Prof. Shibley Telhami to President Biden: Value Palestinian Life as Well as Israeli Life


But he has to go beyond that. Targeting civilians and recklessly endangering them is unacceptable. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Palestinian victims or Israeli victims or any victims.

And if the president of the United States, the one who has the most influence from the outside on this issue, doesn’t stand up for the moral principle that ought to be central here, it is a problem. That’s something that a political leader must do in time of crisis like this.



Democracy Now
SHIBLEY TELHAMI: Yeah, I mean, there’s no question that Iran helps Hamas, militarily and intelligence, and undoubtedly. You know, they both admit it. It’s open. It’s not something secretive. And how much of it? Probably quite a lot. That’s a different story from saying Iran is calling the shots, as might be the case in some cases with Hezbollah, where they have a very close, cooperative relationship. Hamas’s decision, in my opinion, was — it was improbable that it was tied to anything instigated by Iran directly, or that it was in some shape or form related to what transpired in the prison releases that took place with the Biden administration. Hamas is making its own decisions.





日本の技術レベル、最先端から10~20年遅れ…半導体大国の復権へ官民協力と国際連携 2023/10/11  



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