01:32 tell you one thing I think that Ben Shapiro is one of the smartest people who ever walked this Earth he's very very smart I follow him and I believe everything he said and when he came out on your show his solution was and I quote his solution was that the solution for this is for Israel to Annex Gaza and to kill as many son of as possible to make sure that this will never happen again and anyone who call for a ceasefire will be a terrorist Sy Aizer so God forbid I don't want to be labeled as a terrorist sympathizer so 02:04 I agree with Ben shapir I think we should kill as many son of as possible let me so far 3,500 people were killed including 5,000 son of in the bombing of the Baptist uh uh uh hospital as we speak right now one-third of those 3,500 were children so my question to Ben Shapiro is how many more son of do we need to kill so Beno is happy
I agree with you and you know what I'm going to be even ahead of you because I see the question coming do you condemn hamz for the atro yes I condemn Hamas I 06:31 condemn Hamas I condemn Hamas is the source of all evil there for and you know what let's for a minute imagine a world without Hamas right what will this word look like let's give this word a name and let's name this word the West Bank Hamas has absolutely no control in the West Bank and since the beginning of this only through August 37 Palestinian kids were killed no music festival no paragliding no Hamas since the occupation of the the West Bank 7,000 Palestinians were killed no music festival no paragliding no Hamas I can 07:06 go on and on and on and on n if you want to 07:35 only hear your opinion I can just condemn ham and go home I can do that so if do you want to do that or do you have a much more Nuance conversation no I absolutely want to have a Nuance conversation I wasn't aware I was interrupting you I thought I was let amazing so let's I mean I mean I would say I would say I really applaud Israel for doing one thing that no military force in the word does because I heard I heard Ben Shapiro and I heard Ronda santis and they said said they said Israel is the only military force in the 08:03 world that warns civilians before bombing them I mean how cute that is so nice of them because with this logic if Russian troops started warning ukrainians before bombing their houses we're cool with Putin right I mean okay Habibi you have warned them go invade it's fine you have done your job I mean the thing is and I understand and I also heard Ben Shapiro talking about uh about human she so you remember my wife's family they live in Gaza so I asked them I told them when Israel give you the nice warning the cute warning 08:39 does Hamas force you to stay in your home so you can be bombed and use a as as human shield you know what Hassen here my my wife's uh my wife's cousin he's a he's he's a loser you know he he told me you know when I asked him does that happen he told me no the lying son of a lied to me I told him you don't understand Ben Shapiro
[1] According to the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 36 Palestinian children were killed in the West Bank in 2022. As of 14 September, OCHA’s public oPt casualties database reports 36 children killed in the West Bank in 2023 (as of 31 August). However, sources including the Palestinian Ministry of Health and Defense for Children International have reported two additional child fatalities in the West Bank, on 5 and 9 September respectively. The UN have confirmed to Save the Children verification of both fatalities and are in the process of updating their public oPt casualties database.
Israel’s killing of Palestinian children
Twelve children have been killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank this year as well as 67 in the May attack on Gaza.
Three Palestinians were allegedly kidnapped, beaten, stripped, burned, and urinated on by Israeli settlers in the West Bank on October 12th, according to a report in Haaretz.
— MintPress News (@MintPressNews) October 20, 2023
Israeli anti-war activists have come forward and also claimed they were victimised in the same incident. pic.twitter.com/VJNVAXRXJq
mint の記事なので一応確認すると
Haaretz‘There Are Options for Israel That Do Not Involve Killing Thousands of Civilians’
Or to put it another way, if we weren’t giving them billions a year for decades, is it more or less likely they would have found it in their interest for the Oslo process to work and we wouldn’t be where we are today.”アメリカが支援しなければ、イスラエルもアラブ諸国と妥協していたかもね。
That said, Israel certainly has the capability to take out the al-Qassam Brigades and the leaders of Hamas. It has demonstrated this capability. We’ve seen various Israeli operations from the assassination of Yahya Ayyash, with the cellphone, to the poisoning in Amman of a Hamas’ leader to Israel’s response to the 1972 Olympics, where it said that it would hunt down and kill everyone who had taken part in that, and it did. So there are options for Israel that do not involve displacing 600,000 civilians. There are options for Israel that do not involve killing thousands of civilians.イスラエルは高度な軍事力、暗殺能力をもっているから、市民虐殺しなくてもハマスを潰すことはできるはずだ、と。
Paul: Specifically to the arms transfer issue, I would encourage the Biden administration to heed its own policies. They issued the Conventional Arms Transfer Policy of this administration in February, which raises the standard — to its credit — for the consideration of human rights in arms exports, including saying that we will not authorize the transfer of arms when it is more likely than not that they will be used for violations of international humanitarian law, international law and various other human rights violations.国際法違反や人権侵害している軍隊に武器供与したらやばいよなあ
The U.S. government may be complicit under international law in Israel’s unfolding genocide of the Palestinian people, a group of legal scholars warned the Biden administration and the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Lawyers at the Center for Constitutional Rights issued the dire warning to President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in a 44-page emergency brief on Wednesday, on the heels of Biden’s trip to the Middle East. There, Biden reiterated his administration’s unwavering support for Israel — even as the Israeli government wages an unprecedented bombing campaign on the occupied Gaza Strip in retaliation for a horrific attack by Hamas that killed more than 1,400 Israeli citizens. “Israel’s mass bombings and denial of food, water, and electricity are calculated to destroy the Palestinian population in Gaza,” Katherine Gallagher, senior attorney with CCR and a legal representative for victims in the pending ICC investigation in Palestine, told The Intercept. “U.S. officials can be held responsible for their failure to prevent Israel’s unfolding genocide, as well as for their complicity, by encouraging it and materially supporting it.”
世界中でヘイトクライムが増発するだろうな。アルカイダ、ハマスのイスラエルの攻撃を褒め称えて、欧米や中東での更なる攻撃を呼びかけているのか。で、目立ちたがり屋のISISも出てきて、ユダヤ人を本当に攻撃できるのは俺たちだとか言い出しているわけか。。。もう色々とカオスだな。 https://t.co/V7ya5V0nWG
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) October 22, 2023
ひどいなRoshdi Sarraj, a Palestinian journalist who worked for Radio France, was killed today in an Israeli bombing of the Tel Al Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City, the network said: https://t.co/E8dGqzLDsg.
— Evan Hill (@evanhill) October 22, 2023
One of his last tweets, from five days ago, below: https://t.co/VXtN85uCOj
イスラエル、アラブのソーシャルメディアを通じた情報操作は気をつけないとな。もし本当なら、ニュースのインタビューではなく、同盟国の諜報機関にシェアして、海外経由で情報出せよと思うレベルで、色々と雑w本当ならものすごいニュースなのに、インタビューアーもスルーしているので、笑い事ではないけど笑ってしまった。 https://t.co/Jcq5f5yiIJ
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) October 22, 2023
水を武器にとか、ガチで中世みたいな戦争だからな。不衛生な環境で人口集中させてトイレも機能不全だろうし、伝染病も発生しかねないのではないかと。今のイスラエル政権に対して人道に対する罪の疑いで調査を始めるべきでは。 https://t.co/PxUM0p33MB
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) October 22, 2023
ハマスはISISと同じ地位に落ちたな。ハマスが殺害した民間人の国際監察医チームの報告が出たようだけど、議論になっていた斬首された遺体があったとのこと。ただ損傷が激しすぎて、死ぬ前か後か、どのような方法で切断されたかなどが断定できないとのこと。一部の人たちはもう「フェイクニュース」と確信して終わったことになってるからな https://t.co/a5M6aLi3nP
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) October 22, 2023
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