
In Europe, most say their country has a good relationship with China


buvery Retweeted 評価は悪くても中国との関係はいい、と言っている国も多い。 

Sky burial

 buvery Retweeted


あらら、4州併合へ 墓 歴史でググると・・・日本では、儒教の影響に言及しているのはないようだね。

墓・墓石の歴史とその変容 pdf



Joshua J. Markby Joshua J. Mark

published on 02 September 2009


Burial of the dead is the act of placing the corpse of a dead person in a tomb constructed for that purpose or in a grave dug into the earth. In cultures such as Mesopotamia, tombs and graves were cut into the ground in the expectation that the soul of the individual so buried would more easily reach the afterlife which was thought to exist underground. 

Throughout Mesopotamia, those who were not royalty were buried below the family home or next to it so that the grave could be regularly maintained. If a person was not buried properly they could return as a ghost to haunt the living. This haunting could take the form familiar from popular ghost stories or films where a disembodied spirit causes problems in the home or, more seriously, as a form of possession in which the spirit entered into the individual through the ear and wreaked havoc on one's personal life and health.

Cremation was uncommon throughout Mesopotamia owing to the scarcity of wood but, even if fuel for a fire had been available, the Mesopotamians believed that the proper place for the souls of the dead was in the netherworld of the goddess Ereshkigal and not in the realm of the gods. If one were cremated, it was thought, one's soul ascended skyward toward the home of the gods and, as a human soul, would not be at home there.

ちゃんと弔わないと幽霊になって出没すると思われていたわけだね。そして墓は死者が死後の世界へ行きやすいような設備 (生前と似たような生活ができるように(?)・・・・)


The Egyptian tradition among royalty of creating great monuments and tombs inscribed with their deeds was observed to make sure the ruler would not be forgotten by the living and so would continue to exist on earth even after death. To erase one's memory on earth was to erase one's immortality


If one were cremated, it was thought, one's soul ascended skyward toward the home of the gods and, as a human soul, would not be at home there.


In ancient India, as throughout India's history, cremation was the usual practice in caring for the dead...

Even so, that was not the only means by which the dead were sent on to the next realm. It is also recorded that the elderly would often choose to have themselves rowed out into the middle of the Ganges River where they would then fling themselves into the sacred water and be swept away. Most people, though, were cremated and their ashes then strewn in the waters of the Ganges, thought to be the source of all life...

Depending on one's actions, beliefs, and behavior in life, the soul then rose to join with the Oversoul (the Atman) or descended back to the earthly plane in another incarnation.


The Buddha’s relics The Buddha had instructed his followers to cremate his body as the body of a universal monarch would be cremated and then to distribute the relics among various groups of his lay followers, who were to enshrine them in hemispherical reliquaries called stupas. His body lay in a coffin for seven days before being placed on a funeral pyre and was set ablaze by the Buddha’s chief disciple, Mahakashyapa, who had been absent at the time of the Buddha’s death. After the Buddha’s cremation, his relics were entrusted to a group of lay disciples, but armed men arrived from seven other regions and demanded the relics. In order to avert bloodshed, a monk divided the relics into eight portions. 


 The majority of Tibetan people and many Mongols adhere to Vajrayana Buddhism, which teaches the transmigration of spirits. There is no need to preserve the body, as it is now an empty vessel. Birds may eat it or nature may cause it to decompose. The function of the sky burial is simply to dispose of the remains in as generous a way as possible (the origin of the practice's Tibetan name). In much of Tibet and Qinghai, the ground is too hard and rocky to dig a grave, and due to the scarcity of fuel and timber, sky burials were typically more practical than the traditional Buddhist practice of cremation.

 鳥葬というのはSky burial というわけだね。中国語では天葬 というそうだから、そっちのほうが英語に近い。




Tacitus Trap

韓国が挑発するのは勝手だが、日本は抜けてほしい。 米国もはやく半島から撤退して、有事の際は、ウクライナ支援形式で支援したらどうか?


kazukazu88 Retweeted



kazukazu88 Retweeted




町山智浩 Retweeted



Another aspect of the Unification Church, still insufficiently recognized, is that members justify the use of deception to recruit individuals. When I was a Moonie recruiter, we also used psychological pressure to convince members to turn over all their personal possessions and wealth to the church. Members are subjected to workshops that thoroughly indoctrinate them in church beliefs, and typically undergo a conversion experience in which they surrender to the group. As a result, they become totally dependent upon the group for financial and emotional support and lose the ability to act independently of it. Under these conditions, members are required to work long hours; exist on little sleep; eat boring junk food, sometimes for weeks on end; and endure innumerable hardships for the sake of their "spiritual growth." They are discouraged from forming close relationships with members of the opposite sex and may be married only under arrangements made by Sun Myung Moon himself or his proxy. They are sometimes asked to participate in political demonstrations and other activities which aid causes candidates, and public office holders supported by Moon and his organization. If they snap from the pressure and begin to challenge their leaders' authority or otherwise fall out of line, they are accused of being influenced by Satan and are subjected to even greater pressure in the form of re-indoctrination. I know these things are true. I was a leader in the Moon cult.


Tacitus Trap is a political theory named after Roman historian Tacitus, which describes a situation where an unpopular government is hated no matter what it does and whether it is right or wrong. The theory was brought up in a 2007 book by Professor Pan Zhichang from the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University. In the book, he quoted Tacitus' remark on Galba, an unpopular emperor of Rome, to explain the recurrent declines of the Chinese dynasties throughout the history: "When a government is unpopular, either good policies or bad policies tell against the government itself."
へええ だな。





 doggy は、まあ、dog だからな。

へええ。 34というより44? 


























buvery Retweeted トルコが言っているところが大きい。中国やインドはこの件についてどうでるか? 


 buvery Retweeted



 信仰の自由、棄教の自由はーーその宗教が統一でもイスラム教でもーーー子供にも認めてあげないとまずい。 やはり、反対の立場からも意見が聞きたいところ。


 buvery Retweeted



Spica Retweeted 国葬反対の理由と統一教会反対の理由はまた別だと思うが・・・・ Spicaちゃんは安部ちゃんに手厳しいなああ。 

 suzuky Retweeted 相変わらずだなアメリカ。

 suzuky Retweeted 一時期日本が先端にいたとおもったが表情なんか他国に追い抜かされたよなあ。 

 町山智浩 Retweeted 泣ける・・・ムーニーズ保守もよく見てほしい。 

 町山智浩 Retweeted  他でいいことを言っていても、こういうことを言い出すと・・・ちょっとなあ・・・・もっとも アベ→トランプ という図式で喜ぶネトウヨもいるかもしれないところも怖い。

Shoko Egawa Retweeted






suzuky Retweeted なるほどねえ。 太陽も月も丸ければ自分たちの住んでいる星も丸いんじゃないか、と考えても不思議ではないなあ。

  [深層NEWS]国葬の決定過程、高市氏「国会とかにちゃんと話あってもよかった」 2022/09/29 

buvery Retweeted


 Putin’s words should not be ignored: Merkel

Not dismissing them as bluff but taking them seriously is by no means sign of weakness, says former German chancellor

September 28, 2022

“Not dismissing them as a bluff, but taking them seriously is by no means a sign of weakness,” she said. On the contrary, “this is a sign of political wisdom, which helps to preserve room to manoeuvre or, no less important, even to develop a new one,” the former chancellor added.

She was apparently referring to Putin’s statement last week, in which he signalled that Moscow would use “all means to defend Russia and our people” if its territorial integrity is threatened.

万が一使ったら、西側はどう動き、日本はどうすべきか、も検討しておくべき。 この方




Tomatometer 80%くらいは行ってもいいと思う。

プーチンがFalling Down のように、プッチンしないとも限らんからなあし・・・ 禁止条約を批准すれば、すべての国が核兵器放棄するなら別だが、そんなことはおきない。 


 円安は問題ではない、コストプッシュ型インフレが問題。消費税減税、ガソリン税をなくし、  短期の給付金を配る、食料やエネルギーの自給率を高めるための投資をしなさい、と。→財政出動せよ、と 








Downward Social Comparison


Downward Social Comparison

Sometimes people wish to self-enhance— to feel better about themselves—which may lead them to compare downward. In a highly influential article in 1981, Thomas Wills proposed that when individuals are low in subjective well-being, they often make downward social comparisons in an attempt to feel better. They may make downward social comparisons in several ways, including active derogation or simply passively taking advantage of opportunities to compare with people who are worse off. Wills also proposed that downward comparisons are made especially frequently by people who are depressed or low in self-esteem, because of their greater need for self-enhancement



Pessimists aren’t so sure Putin is bluffing, because using nuclear weapons might not actually backfire. Some unknown portion of the international community would become desperate to end the fighting immediately, even at the cost of making concessions to Moscow. The US and its allies would have few attractive options in response.

Retaliating with limited nuclear strikes against Russian forces would risk an escalatory spiral. Entering the war with NATO conventional forces might invite additional nuclear strikes by Moscow. Non-kinetic reprisals, such as cyberattacks or more economic sanctions, would appear pathetically weak compared to the Russian offense.










 思いやり/  気遣い /させていただく /空気が読めない。/人としてどうかな/俺・僕・私/違和感/役割言葉の語尾/キャラ/オチ/苦手意識/想像を巡らせる

どうだろう? だね。









Take Putin’s Nuclear Threat Seriously, But Not Too Seriously Few think the Russian leader would be foolish enough to escalate radically, but there’s also a strong argument to be made that he’s not bluffing. 

Ukraine and the US must accept the loss of Crimea, which Russia already claims as its sovereign territory, and any lands Moscow annexes in Donbas, or risk nuclear conflict. 

 Yes, using nuclear weapons would be an existential gamble for Putin. But if he was headed for a defeat that threatened his hold on power, and perhaps his life, then why not gamble big rather than end up like Moammar Al Qaddafi?









 buvery Retweeted



町山智浩 Retweeted  

 野蛮だな。 使ったあとのことを考えると使うことについてロシアは・・・・プーチンはかなり抑制的なんだろうけど・・・・もっているんだから・・・使わないとは限らない。


Einstein wore sweatshirts that grew rattier over the years, because wool sweaters made him itch. When his wife, Elsa, “urged him repeatedly to dress up for important company,” wrote one historian, “Einstein quipped that if the important visitors were coming to see him, they’d see him as he was; but if they were coming to see his clothes, Elsa would show them to his wardrobe.”




山口貴士 aka無駄に感じが悪いヤマベン Retweeted 山口貴士 aka無駄に感じが悪いヤマベン Retweeted 騙された側に非がないとは言わない。しかし、統一狂はひどすぎるだろう? 

野尻美保子(リセットさん) Retweeted Hanadaは、要するに売れりゃあいいってことだろうな。恥ずかしい。保守もへったくれもない。 ババアムーン韓鶴子(総裁)に謝罪の巡礼させにゃあまずいだろう? ・・・花田・・・さん・・・が反対するか? 



Freedom and justice for the Iranian  Women


Shoko Egawa Retweeted


How Art Works: A Psychological Exploration  Ellen Winner





They have argued that fiction is a form of virtual reality that allows us to practice (in the safety of our imaginations) how to behave in different kinds of roles and social relationships.  And people who are more skilled at social relationships may be more likely to reproduce and spread their genes. Another commonly heard argument is that artistry is a form of sexual selection.55 Just as Darwin noted that the peacock’s tail attracts female mates,56 certain valued human behaviors are also said to be able to attract mates and thus improve reproductive success.  Evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller argues that intelligence, humor, creativity, altruism, and artistic ability are all traits likely to improve reproductive success.・・・・ 

Others like Steven Pinker59 have argued that art is a spandrel—it evolved as a by-product of our complex brains, with no survival function of its own. In contrast, Semir Zeki sees the function of art as an extension of the function of the brain—“the seeking of knowledge in an ever-changing world. If art making is a way of understanding the world (a position Nelson Goodman took), then art making is also not a spandrel, as knowledge of one’s environment is absolutely foundational for survival.

おれとしては、世界了解のありかたであり、また、この世界に生き死にするためのシミュレーション としてとらえたいところ。



The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales  Bruno Bettelheim 


The other ending—“And they lived happily ever after”—does not for a moment fool the child that eternal life is possible. But it does indicate that which alone can take the sting out of the narrow limits of our time on this earth: forming a truly satisfying bond to another. The tales teach that when one has done this, one has reached the ultimate in emotional security of existence and permanence of relation available to man; and this alone can dissipate the fear of death. If one has found true adult love, the fairy story also tells, one doesn’t need to wish for eternal life. This is suggested by another ending found in fairy tales: “They lived for a long time afterward, happy and in pleasure.

 この部分はめちゃくちゃ感動したなあ。「本当の大人の愛を見つけたら永遠の命も要らなくなる」んだ と。一つの解釈であるが、「それからずっと幸せに暮らしましたとさ」というおとぎ話の定形表現にそこまで読み込んでいくんだね。

 以前引用した「宗教を物語でほどく アンデルセンから遠藤周作へ (NHK出版新書)」も「百万回生きたねこ」という絵本が取り上げられている。


『100万回生きたねこ』 200万部突破記念



町山くん付き合う相手はちゃんと調べたほうが良いよ。 足立正生

”The Birth of a Nation” みたいなかんじになるのかな、と思ったが、むしろ「ジョーカー」の危険でないやつ、みたいなかんじか? 

 ただ、 「ジョーカー」→安倍暗殺

とつながったというんだから、”revolution 1"がどうなるか。



 ‘Naïve’ to think Russia will lose war, says Dr Jordan Peterson





もっとも、 上映中止に追い込むのはキャンセルカルチャーっていうんじゃないのけ?




suzuky Retweeted


(PDF) What Is the Point of Equality?

1999年の論文だが、1-2年前に投稿されたYou tube で解説もある。


MichaelJordan could not make so many baskets if no one kept the basketball court swept clean. 

これ。(シュートを決めるって”make a basket”っていうんだ?)


Millions of people couldnot even get to work if public transportation workers went on strike. The comprehensiveness of the division of labor in a modern economy implies that no one produces everything, or indeed anything, they consume by their own efforts alone. In regarding the division of labor as a comprehensive system of joint production, workers and consumers regard themselves as collectively commissioning everyone else to perform their chosen role in the economy. 


 The principles that govern the division of labor and the assignment of particular benefits to the performance of roles in the division of labor must be acceptable to everyone in this sense. 


で、前提として論文の執筆者が批判しているのは DworkinやNagelなど名だたる哲学者たちが主張する類の平等主義でスタートラインを同じにせよ、というものだが、スタートラインさえ同じにしてくれればいい、というところに問題がある、と。執筆者はそれでは、個人の尊厳の平等が確保されないとして、民主的平等主義を唱導。Amartya Senによるさまざまな機能を遂行する自由=能力/資格という概念を援用しながら、そうした能力/資格の平等を確保することを訴える・・・・かなり面白い論文である。












Sexual Arousal by Dominance and Submissiveness

in the General Population: How Many, How
Strongly, and Why?
Eva Jozifkova


This study shows that almost half of people consider as arousing those sexual activities which are related to hierarchical disparity between partners. Thus, sexual arousal by dominance and submission is likely to represent an important mechanism in human mating strategy; this fact indicates a biological basis for these sexual preferences.



Sexual Arousal by Higher- and Lower-Ranking Partner:

Manifestation of a Mating Strategy?

The existence of hierarchy is believed to reduce conflict. Perhaps, diversification of roles helps a couple to maintain cohesion, eliminates conflicts, and synchronizes parental care regardless of a lower- or higher-ranking individual’s gender.


Conclusion. The sexual arousal by lower- and/or higher-ranking partner appears to be a manifestation of a successful reproductive strategy, e.g. behavior connected to natural human behavior. Moreover, the sexual arousal by overemphasized hierarchy (e.g. dominant-slave play) considered to be a part of sadomasochistic sex (or so called BDSM) may represent an overemphasised manifestation of this reproductive strategy.

Evolutional background of dominance/submissivity
in sex and bondage: the two strategies?
Eva Jozifkova 1, Ludek Bartos 2, Jaroslav Flegr 3
 Arousal by dominance/submission may be
connected to dominance strategy respecting hierarchy rank, whereas the preference for “bondage” may
be derived from an opportunistic strategy. 

Why do some women prefer submissive men?
Hierarchically disparate couples reach higher
reproductive success in European urban humans

From the point of view of reproductive success,
answering the question why some women are aroused
by submissive men is easy. Hierarchy disparity within
couples allows the parents to invest more energy into
their offspring, presumably by increased cooperation
and/or conflict reduction,
irrespective of which gender
assumes the dominant role

 上下関係・階層があったほうが 衝突が少なくなり、協力して子育てができるし、子孫も増えるので格差があったほうが性的興奮が得られるのではないか、というのが進化論的観点から説明



The Fantasy of Acceptable “Non-Consent”:

Why the Female Sexual Submissive Scares Us

(and Why She Shouldn’t)

by stacey may Fowles


I would argue that, regardless of appearance, by its very nature BDSM is constantly about consent. Of course, its language and rules differ significantly from vanilla sexual scenes, but the very existence of a safe word is the ultimate in preventing violation—it suggests that at any moment, regardless of expectations or interpretations on the part of either party, the act can and will end. Ignoring the safe word is a clear act of violation that is not up for any debate. Because of this, BDSM sex, even with all its violent connotations, can be much “safer” than non–safe word sex. While not very romantic in the traditional sense, the rules are clear—at any moment a woman (or man) can say no, regardless of the script she (or he) is using.

SMプレーは見かけとは違って実は徹頭徹尾参加者の同意に基づいているのだ、 と。



花田 僕は統一教会のことを見ないふりして安倍さんを擁護しようなんて思ってないよ。全く逆だ。ちゃんと見ろと言ってるんだよ。教団は「現在ただいま」も、本当にそんなに悪なのかと問うている。
いまなお苦しむ日本人被害者に誠意もみせず、いまだ最高責任者による謝罪もない反日カルト教団をかばう保守ーーあわれだよなあ。 保守ムーニーズとでも命名してこうか?








Its authors compared data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth from 1979 (those born between 1957 and 1964) and 1997 (born 1980-84), which involved thousands of subjects interviewed regularly year after year. In the first cohort, who came of age in the aftermath of Vietnam, those who enlisted did indeed have lower parental income and wealth than equivalent civilians

