

suzuky Retweeted なるほどねえ。 太陽も月も丸ければ自分たちの住んでいる星も丸いんじゃないか、と考えても不思議ではないなあ。

  [深層NEWS]国葬の決定過程、高市氏「国会とかにちゃんと話あってもよかった」 2022/09/29 

buvery Retweeted


 Putin’s words should not be ignored: Merkel

Not dismissing them as bluff but taking them seriously is by no means sign of weakness, says former German chancellor

September 28, 2022

“Not dismissing them as a bluff, but taking them seriously is by no means a sign of weakness,” she said. On the contrary, “this is a sign of political wisdom, which helps to preserve room to manoeuvre or, no less important, even to develop a new one,” the former chancellor added.

She was apparently referring to Putin’s statement last week, in which he signalled that Moscow would use “all means to defend Russia and our people” if its territorial integrity is threatened.

万が一使ったら、西側はどう動き、日本はどうすべきか、も検討しておくべき。 この方




Tomatometer 80%くらいは行ってもいいと思う。

プーチンがFalling Down のように、プッチンしないとも限らんからなあし・・・ 禁止条約を批准すれば、すべての国が核兵器放棄するなら別だが、そんなことはおきない。 


 円安は問題ではない、コストプッシュ型インフレが問題。消費税減税、ガソリン税をなくし、  短期の給付金を配る、食料やエネルギーの自給率を高めるための投資をしなさい、と。→財政出動せよ、と 







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