
”Japan asks why state event is costing more than the Queen's”

「なんでこの男が白人であることを誰も指摘しないのか」みたいなコメントはないのだろうか?  この前引用した犯罪心理学の本 
  An Introduction to Criminal Psychology Second Edition Russil Durrant 
 2018年出版だからグレーバーらの著作は射程に入っていないわけだが、進化論からおもしろい説明があって、 p234-
A third source of evidence used to support the idea that collective violence in humans has an evolutionary basis comes from research on lethal inter-group aggression among chimpanzees. In his observations on Man’s Place in Nature Mark Twain noted that ‘man is the only animal that deals in the atrocity of atrocities, war’ (Twain, 1966, p. 179). This view was clearly refuted when the remarkable observations of inter-group violence among chimpanzees came to light in the 1970s. Although ggression, violence, and killing are common in a wide range of species, primatologists documented for the first time the coordinated use of violence perpetrated by one group of chimpanzees against members of other chimpanzee groups (Wrangham, 1999; Mitani, 2009). Specifically, groups of male chimpanzees have been observed to engage in apparently deliberate border patrols of their territory and to make deep incursions in to the territory of other chimpanzee groups, deliberately killing males of the other group that they encounter. According to Wrangham’s (1999, p. 11) imbalance of power hypothesis, ‘the function of unprovoked intercommunity aggression (i.e., deep incursions and coalitionary attacks) is intercommunity dominance’. Establishing dominance over other chimpanzee groups may,Wrangham argues, deliver specific evolutionarily benefits such as better access to food resources, safety, and access to females (see also Pandit et al., 2016). The relevance of this research for understanding the evolution of collective violence in humans is clear to many researchers. Because chimpanzees are humans’ closest living relatives (sharing common ancestor approximately 5–6 million years ago), it is possible that the capacity to engage in coalitional aggression or collective violence is a characteristic that was present in our common ancestor and has been retained in both the chimpanzee and human lineages (Wrangham, 1999).



 勇敢な女性たち  国民思いだった安倍ちゃんにすれば、国民に使うべき金を安倍ちゃんにかけるのは不本意ではないか? 創価学会もいろいろあるだろうが、 最近は落ち着いている。



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