
Tacitus Trap

韓国が挑発するのは勝手だが、日本は抜けてほしい。 米国もはやく半島から撤退して、有事の際は、ウクライナ支援形式で支援したらどうか?


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Another aspect of the Unification Church, still insufficiently recognized, is that members justify the use of deception to recruit individuals. When I was a Moonie recruiter, we also used psychological pressure to convince members to turn over all their personal possessions and wealth to the church. Members are subjected to workshops that thoroughly indoctrinate them in church beliefs, and typically undergo a conversion experience in which they surrender to the group. As a result, they become totally dependent upon the group for financial and emotional support and lose the ability to act independently of it. Under these conditions, members are required to work long hours; exist on little sleep; eat boring junk food, sometimes for weeks on end; and endure innumerable hardships for the sake of their "spiritual growth." They are discouraged from forming close relationships with members of the opposite sex and may be married only under arrangements made by Sun Myung Moon himself or his proxy. They are sometimes asked to participate in political demonstrations and other activities which aid causes candidates, and public office holders supported by Moon and his organization. If they snap from the pressure and begin to challenge their leaders' authority or otherwise fall out of line, they are accused of being influenced by Satan and are subjected to even greater pressure in the form of re-indoctrination. I know these things are true. I was a leader in the Moon cult.


Tacitus Trap is a political theory named after Roman historian Tacitus, which describes a situation where an unpopular government is hated no matter what it does and whether it is right or wrong. The theory was brought up in a 2007 book by Professor Pan Zhichang from the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University. In the book, he quoted Tacitus' remark on Galba, an unpopular emperor of Rome, to explain the recurrent declines of the Chinese dynasties throughout the history: "When a government is unpopular, either good policies or bad policies tell against the government itself."
へええ だな。

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