

 ここらへんの問題がよくわからないんだが、例えば、 宗教団体や在特会がジェンダー平等や母子家庭支援強化を議員に陳情して政党に採用されたら・・・・どうなるわけ?




Secure energy supply is vital to growth and prosperity. Yet it has been ignored for too long. I will end the UK’s short-termist approach to energy security and supply once and for all.
短期的主義的なアプローチというのは ”short-termist approach”というんだね。 

 BBC Key points of the new energy strategy
Nuclear - The government plans to reduce the UK's reliance on oil and gas by building as many as eight new nuclear reactors, including two at Sizewell in Suffolk. A new body will oversee the delivery of the new plants.

  安倍元首相の国葬「国際的にはほとんど意味はない」西田亮介氏、岸田首相の誤算を指摘「女王の国葬は…」 スポーツニッポン新聞社 2022/09/17 



#3 Nobody Cares
No one takes you as seriously as you think. They just laugh at your mistake. Everyone has a job, school, family. They’re so busy with what they’re going to do that you don’t even think of them easily. Do your best without making excuses for others.
To not care about what other people think of you, you too must stop thinking about others. The more you take care of yourself, the less you focus on other people’s thoughts, you shouldn’t try to read people’s minds. Even those who love you don’t care as much as you think, their love for you is real, but everyone is busy with their own life.


Not the strongest in nature and business life, but those who can adapt to change survive. Being strong only allows you to continue working in the old order for a while, but those who can keep up with the new order will surpass you in a very short time, you have to be brave about change to avoid this.





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