




パチンコ 議員 警察 でググるといろいろでてくるけど・・・ 統一を叩くべきだけど、パチンコを擁護する必要はない。パチンコももっと規制しないと。



 ”Unification Church ”でも”Cult”でも本をググってみるとよい。サイエントロジー、ものみの塔なども含めて、日本よりよほど数多くの本が出版され、問題視されている。 





 すごい。 日本のロボットはどうしちゃったんだ?
We now have more income and wealth inequality than at any time in the last hundred years. In the year 2022, three multibillionaires own more wealth than the bottom half of American society – 160 million Americans. Today, 45% of all new income goes to the top 1%, and CEOs of large corporations make a record-breaking 350 times what their workers earn.


共産党が言う「革命」って、どんな手段で? 共産党本部や党員の家から武器や破壊工作の資料がでてきたのか? 







 #6 Be Unpredictable 
Appear so defenseless in the face of the enemy that he will lower all their shields against you. If you are weak, look so strong that the enemy does not want to fight you. For example, teams that underestimate their opponents in sports learned very painful lessons with their first defeat.

#13 Be Mysterious
Once you are confident about your strengths and weaknesses, it’s easy to deceive the enemy about it. What you need to hide is your grand plan. Because if they know what you desire, it will be easier for them to find their weaknesses through it. They don’t hesitate to use their target against you.

#14 First Victory
You just win the war once. You will start to get more support from the people around you and you will see that the number of people who believe in you increases. This way, your next victories will be easier and you will reach your goal sooner than you expected

#17 Doubt
If you have the slightest doubt about yourself, your army, or your strength, do not enter that war. Even if you are stronger than your enemy, you cannot make the right decisions when in doubt. This will be your end.

#20 Nobody Can Guarantee You Won The War
If you don’t have the slightest doubt about your chances of winning the war, enter that war, but if you have any doubt, look for ways to win without fighting. If you can make a profitable deal, you won the war without a fight. If you have such an opportunity, do not miss it.


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