

How Art Works: A Psychological Exploration  Ellen Winner





They have argued that fiction is a form of virtual reality that allows us to practice (in the safety of our imaginations) how to behave in different kinds of roles and social relationships.  And people who are more skilled at social relationships may be more likely to reproduce and spread their genes. Another commonly heard argument is that artistry is a form of sexual selection.55 Just as Darwin noted that the peacock’s tail attracts female mates,56 certain valued human behaviors are also said to be able to attract mates and thus improve reproductive success.  Evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller argues that intelligence, humor, creativity, altruism, and artistic ability are all traits likely to improve reproductive success.・・・・ 

Others like Steven Pinker59 have argued that art is a spandrel—it evolved as a by-product of our complex brains, with no survival function of its own. In contrast, Semir Zeki sees the function of art as an extension of the function of the brain—“the seeking of knowledge in an ever-changing world. If art making is a way of understanding the world (a position Nelson Goodman took), then art making is also not a spandrel, as knowledge of one’s environment is absolutely foundational for survival.

おれとしては、世界了解のありかたであり、また、この世界に生き死にするためのシミュレーション としてとらえたいところ。



The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales  Bruno Bettelheim 


The other ending—“And they lived happily ever after”—does not for a moment fool the child that eternal life is possible. But it does indicate that which alone can take the sting out of the narrow limits of our time on this earth: forming a truly satisfying bond to another. The tales teach that when one has done this, one has reached the ultimate in emotional security of existence and permanence of relation available to man; and this alone can dissipate the fear of death. If one has found true adult love, the fairy story also tells, one doesn’t need to wish for eternal life. This is suggested by another ending found in fairy tales: “They lived for a long time afterward, happy and in pleasure.

 この部分はめちゃくちゃ感動したなあ。「本当の大人の愛を見つけたら永遠の命も要らなくなる」んだ と。一つの解釈であるが、「それからずっと幸せに暮らしましたとさ」というおとぎ話の定形表現にそこまで読み込んでいくんだね。

 以前引用した「宗教を物語でほどく アンデルセンから遠藤周作へ (NHK出版新書)」も「百万回生きたねこ」という絵本が取り上げられている。


『100万回生きたねこ』 200万部突破記念



町山くん付き合う相手はちゃんと調べたほうが良いよ。 足立正生

”The Birth of a Nation” みたいなかんじになるのかな、と思ったが、むしろ「ジョーカー」の危険でないやつ、みたいなかんじか? 

 ただ、 「ジョーカー」→安倍暗殺

とつながったというんだから、”revolution 1"がどうなるか。



 ‘Naïve’ to think Russia will lose war, says Dr Jordan Peterson


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