
How the Crisis in Ukraine May End


 How the Crisis in Ukraine May End

How the Crisis in Ukraine May End

We’re still looking at a range of possibilities, including de-escalation and a great-power conflict.

By Derek Thompson

There are now five ways that the aggression in Ukraine can end, according to Paul Poast, a professor of foreign policy and war at the University of Chicago. They are: a disastrous quagmire or retreat for Russia; violent regime change in Kyiv; the full conquest of Ukraine; the beginning of a new Russian empire; or a chaotic stumble into something like World War III.

Given the size and scale of this invasion, coupled with the rhetoric, I really do think that his objective is some form of annexation, or full conquest of Ukraine. That is the scenario he is most seeking out now. When I combine that with an analysis of Russia’s operational ease, I think the most reasonable thing that we could be expecting right now is regime change in Kyiv.

operational ease -conducts of the military campaign

Telling on yourself





池田信夫 Retweeted


木村太郎氏「10日続けばロシア破産」ウクライナ側の情報紹介 「死亡ロシア兵帰還」がカギ 2/27(日

"They're Christians, they're white. They're very similar [to us]" - explaining why Poland is accepting refugees.


[Thread] The most racist Ukraine coverage on TV News. 1. The BBC - “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed” - Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze

2. CBS News "This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan...This is a relatively civilized, relatively European city" - CBS foreign correspondent Charlie D’Agata

3. Al-Jazeera

"What's compelling is looking at them, the way they are dressed. These are prosperous, middle-class people. These are not obviously refugees trying to get away from the Middle East...or North Africa. They look like any European family that you'd live next door to."

4. BFM TV (France)

"We are in the 21st century, we are in a European city and we have cruise missile fire as though we were in Iraq or Afghanistan, can you imagine!?”

5. The Daily Telegraph

This time, war is wrong because the people look like us and have Instagram and Netflix accounts. It's not in a poor, remote country any more. - Daniel Hannan

6. ITV (UK)

"The unthinkable has happened...This is not a developing, third world nation; this is Europe!"

7. BFM TV (France) (again)

"It's an important question. We’re not talking here about Syrians fleeing...We're talking about Europeans."

8. If you speak French, sample from the racism buffet on offer.

9. "To put it bluntly, these are not refugees from Syria, these are refugees from Ukraine...They're Christians, they're white. They're very similar [to us]" - explaining why Poland is accepting refugees.




Western journalists assume non-Europeans are barbaric and warmongers, and not worth helping?




kazukazu88 Retweeted The worst-case scenario 最悪の事態を想定して、準備しておくってのは大切だよなああ。 


岸田首相 原発再稼働決断を!

kazukazu88 Retweeted





”This war has begun badly for Russia and is likely to end badly.”

 mozu Retweeted

In my previous post I explained why I thought that this war had begun badly for Russia and was likely to end badly.

I also warned that the coming days would be rougher and tougher, and so sadly it is proving,


サイバー攻撃の不足、稚拙な情報戦、制空権奪取の遅滞 脆弱な供給網などによりスパッと首都を陥落して、大統領の首をすげかえらねかったことより、市街での砲弾戦に頼ることになり、人的被害は甚大になる。

What he[Zelensky]cannot do is to deny Ukraine’s right to exist as an independent state following its own path. Putin’s people claim that is not in doubt. The problem, they claim, is that the wrong people are in charge. If so presumably they would have no difficulty with free elections under international supervision. Putin can be encouraged to put his theories about where the sympathies of the ordinary people of Ukraine lie to the test.

 ゼレンスキーはウクライナの自主・存続を願い、プーチン派は、それはいいが指導者がまずい、と。だったら、国際機関監視のもと選挙することで、国民が誰を支持しているかわかるから、それが落とし所じゃないか・・・なんてうまい具合にはいかないじゃないかなああ・・・ロシアだって、選挙すれば、ゼレンスキー再選されることはわかっているだろう? プーチンは自分の面目にかけても現大統領を消しにかかるのではないか?しかし、世界的英雄になったゼレンスキーを殺れば、プーチンに対する世界的圧力はより強力になる。

China Russia and North Korea are working together against the U.S.



Published February 25, 2022 11:30am EST

China says it 'supports' Russia amid Ukraine invasion, backs Putin's claim he's ready for negotiations

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un congratulates China on Beijing Olympics, says together they will frustrate US threats


Published: 6:24am, 22 Feb, 2022

Trump Pentagon aide rips Biden for US sharing Russia intel with China

 Trump Pentagon aide rips Biden for US sharing Russia intel with China

 Elizabeth Elkind, 

The fact that the commander-in-chief wouldn't answer that question that no one is covering, leads me to believe that he took classified intelligence -- and the reporting is accurate now from multiple sources -- and handed it over to our world's biggest enemy, US's biggest enemy, his biggest enemy, China,' Patel said on Sunday.





”China and Russia appear stronger than at any time since the Cold War”


“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,”

Russian President Vladimir Putin will let his men die as Russia is prepared to lose up to 50,000 troops in the war against Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin will let his men die as Russia is prepared to lose up to 50,000 troops in the war against Ukraine, reports said, indicating that the tension will only escalate

According to the Ukrainian military, they have killed over 3,000 Russian soldiers and captured 200.







"Nuclear allies are likely to become more independent of their patrons "


ニュークリア・シェアリング 出典: フリー百科事典




Sanctioning Country/Entity (s)PeriodSummary
Canada Canada1974Following 1974 nuclear tests Canada sanctioned nuclear expertise and equipment support.[5]
Multiple countriesUnited States United States1998–1999US imposes sanctions as required by law following nuclear tests.[6] Sanctions imposed by the United States were weakened through exceptions and lifted within a year.[7]
Japan Japan1998–2001Sanctions including the stoppage of loan aid.[8][9][10]
~12 countriesAround 14 countries adopted some form of individual sanction or another following the 1998 nuclear tests with marginal effect.[11][7] Collective sanctions could not gather the required support.[12]
United States United States1992–2011ISRO sanctioned for sections of its space program.[13][14]
Pakistan Pakistan2019–Sanctions such as closure of airspace for all Indians.[15]


Reducing military commitments and letting allies build their own nuclear weapons might save money for the United States. But international relations scholarship suggests that allied proliferation would have broader negative repercussions. Among these would be declining U.S. influence. When nations gain their own military capabilities, they rely less on their allies and become less subject to their sway. And that can undermine a senior partner’s ability to hold its junior allies back from risky military actions.

Recent nonproliferation research underscores this proposition. Mark Bell shows that nuclear allies are likely to become more independent of their patrons and in some cases can develop more assertive foreign policies. And Francis Gavin and Matthew Kroenig show that the fear of declining influence was one reason why most American administrations vigorously opposed the spread of nuclear weapons.

アメリカ が日本などに核武装させない理由の一つはアメリカの影響力が減って、日本がアメリカから独立した意思決定ができるようになってしまうからなわけだね。











町山智浩 Retweeted


Western journalists assume non-Europeans are barbaric and warmongers, and not worth helping?



”Military expert says Kyiv will likely fall”

Is the West to Blame for Russia's Invasion? (no) - TLDR News 



Ukraine Invasion: Military expert says Kyiv will likely fall, but Putin may not retain control

It's likely Russian will take control of Kyiv but not without a fight

I think it could be very bloody




Sanctions are too little, too late, says Russian chess champion Kasparov

Kudlow: This is the best way to stop Putin

drill, drill, drill export export export.

Sanction the central bank of Russia this along with all the Russian commercial banks 



"Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow" - John Avlon On The High Stakes Of Putin's Aggression


 Vladimir Putin puts Russian nuclear forces on high alert





SM-3 もIRBMもICBMも・・・それらがなんだかよくわからないほど素人だが、NYTによると 

 On the Edge of a Polish Forest, Where Some of Putin’s Darkest Fears Lurk

A U.S. missile facility in Poland is at the heart of an issue animating the Kremlin’s calculations over whether to go to war against Ukraine.

Feb. 16, 2022


But for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, the military base in Poland, and another in Romania, are evidence of what he sees as the threat posed by NATO’s eastward expansion — and part of his justification for his military encirclement of Ukraine. The Pentagon describes the two sites as defensive and unrelated to Russia, but the Kremlin believes they could be used to shoot down Russian rockets or to fire offensive cruise missiles at Moscow.

The Polish base, the heart of which is a system known as Aegis Ashore, contains sophisticated radars capable of tracking hostile missiles and guiding interceptor rockets to knock them out of the sky. It is also equipped with missile launchers known as MK 41s, which the Russians worry can be easily repurposed to fire offensive missiles like the Tomahawk.

Thomas Graham, who served as senior director for Russia on President George W. Bush’s National Security Council, said Moscow had never believed Washington’s assurances that its missile defense system was aimed at Iran, not Russia.

American assurances that only Iran need worry, however, were undermined during the Trump administration when the president stated that U.S. missile defense systems would “detect and destroy any missile launched against the United States anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Some independent experts, however, believe that while requiring a rejiggering of software and other changes, the MK 41 launchers installed in Poland and Romania can fire not only defensive interceptors but also offensive missiles.




mozu Retweeted










核兵器シェアリングへの誤解と幻想 JSF軍事/生き物ライター 2018/12/20(木) 23:40 




 suzuky Retweeted



出典: フリー百科事典




小野寺五典元防衛大臣 「今のアメリカの姿勢というのは少し心配・・・.口先ではいうけども・・・」と



 「この問題は必ず日本に影響する。自国は自国で守るというスタンスがなければ、日本もウクライナと同じようなことになる」と警告した。 小野寺氏は、バイデン米大統領がロシアの軍事侵攻があっても、ウクライナ国内にとどまる米国民の退避のために米軍を派遣する考えのないことを早々に表明したことに触れ、「米国の姿勢が少し心配だ」と述べた。









 buvery Retweeted

 また、テレグラフでインタビューを受けてた人が言ってたんだけど、トランプ大統領の時代なら、ウクライナ侵略はなかった、バイデンだからやった、というのはどうか、という話で、たしか、トランプはunpredictable バイデンはrational だから、トランプのときはやらなかった可能性はある、と




Gesture =うわべだけのそぶり


。Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an unexpected gesture to the West, suggested in a television interview today that Russia would consider joining NATO if the Western alliance agreed to treat Russia as an equal partner.


 an action that expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little practical effect:



NATO attacked Yugoslavia last spring, the Russian military and political leadership reacted with anger and bitterness, freezing the relationship. When the fighting ended, Russia further aggravated NATO by sending its soldiers into Kosovo ahead of NATO peacekeepers.

While tensions have eased, Russian officials expressed irritation that a recent NATO meeting was held in Ukraine, and Russian officials have steadfastly opposed NATO inclusion of any former Soviet republics, some of which have expressed interest in joining.

Putin's statement on NATO drew immediate reaction at home. Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, a presidential candidate, said it is "naive and unpardonable for a politician of his level" to make such a statement. 






Why does Russia want to block Ukraine from joining Nato?

Russian leader vehemently opposed to neighbouring state signing up to western military alliance

Joe Sommerlad

To address those anxieties, the Nato-Russia Founding Act was signed in 1997, a political agreement explicitly stating that: “Nato and Russia do not consider each other as adversaries.”

The formation of the Nato-Russia Council followed in 2002.

But Mr Putin is nevertheless said to begrudge what he regards as the alliance’s gradual extension eastwards, which saw ex-Soviet satellites Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join in 1999, followed by Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia in 2004.

 “It is obvious that Nato expansion does not have any relation with the modernisation of the alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe,” he said at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. “On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust.”

The following April, attending a Nato summit in Bucharest, he was even more emphatic: “No Russian leader could stand idly by in the face of steps toward Nato membership for Ukraine. That would be a hostile act toward Russia.”

 Four months later, Mr Putin invaded Georgia, destroying the country’s armed forces, occupying two autonomous regions and humiliating a president, Mikheil Saakashvili, who had openly courted Nato membership, actions that brought fresh international condemnation.




suzuky Retweeted





Anti-Imperialism of Idiots



One lesson is this: we must be able to criticize our own governments. 

In Britain, our leaders have invaded sovereign states without provocation. They did in Iraq in 2003, taking part in the killing of hundreds of thousands. The people who lied to take us into that war faced no consequences. Their careers continued, as did their luxurious lives, as an entire region of the world was plunged into the depths of hell for decades. We are still living with its consequences today, including here in Britain, whether it be the refugee crisis or the restriction of civil liberties brought about by the “war on terror.”

But they did not only do it in Iraq. We hear very little today about Britain’s role in the NATO-led war in Libya in 2011, which demolished that state, left its people in the hands of warlords, and pushed thousands to flee and drown in the Mediterranean. Nor do we hear about Britain’s complicity in the ongoing war in Yemen, conducted by our ally Saudi Arabia with our weapons, £17.6 billion of which have been provided by BAE systems to the Saudis since 2015. The United Nations estimates that 377,000 Yemenis have died in that conflict.

They sold the Ukrainian people a lie that their democracy and freedom would be safeguarded with US and British and French military might

And so, what was all this for? Why were the Ukrainians walked up a garden path only to be abandoned to their fate? Did anyone really believe that Russia would permit American missiles to be placed on its border? They didn’t, for the same reason we all know that the United States would never permit China to place its missiles in Guadalajara. In fact, we don’t need the hypothetical: when the Soviet Union tried it in Cuba, we got the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war.

  ピッグス湾事件(ピッグスわんじけん、スペイン語: Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos、英語: Bay of Pigs Invasion)は、1961年に在米亡命キューバ人部隊がアメリカ合衆国CIAの支援の下でグアテマラで軍事訓練の後、キューバに侵攻してフィデル・カストロ革命政権の打倒を試みた事件[1]。




これぞ、オープンレター ロシア人科学者たちの反戦書簡

ロシア科学者や科学記者が反戦書簡 「ロシアは世界から孤立する」

 More than 600 Russian scientists sign open letter against war with Ukraine


Открытое письмо российских ученых и научных журналистов против войны с Украиной

 24.02.2022 /  570 комментариев


An open letter from Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine

24.02.2022 /  570 comments

We, Russian scientists and scientific journalists, declare a strong protest against the hostilities launched by the armed forces of our country on the territory of Ukraine. This fatal step leads to huge human losses and undermines the foundations of the established system of international security. The responsibility for unleashing a new war in Europe lies entirely with Russia.

There is no rational justification for this war. Attempts to use the situation in Donbass as a pretext for launching a military operation do not inspire any confidence. It is clear that Ukraine does not pose a threat to the security of our country. The war against her is unfair and frankly senseless.

Ukraine has been and remains a country close to us. Many of us have relatives, friends and scientific colleagues living in Ukraine. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought together against Nazism. Unleashing a war for the sake of the geopolitical ambitions of the leadership of the Russian Federation, driven by dubious historiosophical fantasies, is a cynical betrayal of their memory.

We respect Ukrainian statehood, which rests on really working democratic institutions. We treat the European choice of our neighbors with understanding. We are convinced that all problems in relations between our countries can be resolved peacefully.

Having unleashed the war, Russia doomed itself to international isolation, to the position of a pariah country. This means that we, scientists, will no longer be able to do our job normally: after all, conducting scientific research is unthinkable without full cooperation with colleagues from other countries. The isolation of Russia from the world means further cultural and technological degradation of our country in the complete absence of positive prospects. War with Ukraine is a step to nowhere.

It is bitter for us to realize that our country, together with other republics of the former USSR, which made a decisive contribution to the victory over Nazism, has now become the instigator of a new war on the European continent. We demand an immediate halt to all military operations directed against Ukraine. We demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. We demand peace for our countries.











もしもロシアが戦うのをやめたら、戦争はなくなる 。もしもウクライナが戦うのをやめたら、ウクライナがなくなる









”Beijing understands it: if Russia can take Ukraine, why can’t China snatch Taiwan? ”

We’re appalled by Putin now, but be clear: the west gave him the green light 

Because Putin had hardly kept his worldview secret until now. On the contrary, he had acted on it at least three times in the past 15 years, each time paying little price. He seized a chunk of Georgia in 2008 and of Ukraine in 2014, to say nothing of his decision to adopt the Assad regime’s murderous war against the Syrian people as his own a year later. We may have forgotten about all that – the Russian dissident Garry Kasparov laments the “amnesia of the west” – but Putin had not. He noted the western shrug that greeted his annexation of Crimea: how, just four years later, Russia was cheerfully hosting the football World Cup.

 The grimmer prospect is that Putin understands something about the 21st century few of us want to face: that this is an age of impunity, especially for those who have a vast and deadly arsenal but no shame.

That is what’s at stake in this moment. Beijing understands it: if Russia can take Ukraine, why can’t China snatch Taiwan?











"Putin got beaten up by a small Japanese child"


mozu Retweeted

As long as China give them financial cushion to blunt sanctions, Putin's gonna have his own way.

Russia-Ukraine conflict will go on longer than Putin thought: Gen. Jack Keane  
 Ingraham: This invasion in many ways was made in China Laura Ingraham says President Biden’s weak presidency helped create the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine tonight. #FoxNews 

 As long as China gives them a financial cushion to blunt sanctions, Putin's going to have his own way.


 Sen. Pat Toomey: This is how you bring the Russian economy to its knees 

 Completely isolate Russian banks.

  The sanctioning country can prohibit firms and individuals in other countries from conducting commercial transactions with US citizens and businesses, to inhibit their economic relationship with the country targeted with “primary” economic sanctions.
▼セカンダリー・サンクション 制裁対象の国と結びつきが深い第三国の企業や金融機関への制裁を指し、二次的制裁と呼ばれる。北朝鮮による核・ミサイル開発の資金は、中国経由で外貨が流入していると指摘されていた。こうした資金の流れを断つために北朝鮮以外の国の企業に発動した。制裁対象になった銀行は他行から取引を敬遠されるため、効果が大きい。
To prevent an invasion of Ukraine, threaten to sanction Russia's central bank BY MICHAEL S. BERNSTAM, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 02/02/22 10:30
If sanctions are imposed on the Russian Central Bank, the $403 billion of its FX electronic holdings in the West could not be used. Russia will be left with little Western cash, unsaleable gold and Chinese bonds.




 The Dollars Have Run Out': Russians Crowd ATMs As Sanctions Take Effect buvery Retweeted


Pope meets Russian ambassador to express ‘concern over war’ - 198 China News

What is SWIFT?

SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - acts as the Gmail of global banking services. It was founded in 1973 to end reliance on the telex system, an international system used especially in the past for sending written messages.

How does the SWIFT system work?

On the consumer end, you can think of the SWIFT network a bit like travelling from one airport to another. It’s not always possible to take a direct flight. Which means you may need to travel from one city to another via several connecting flights. SWIFT works essentially the same way. Your money will travel from one country to another, but to do that there are often intermediary/correspondent banks involved.

The SWIFT network doesn’t actually transfer funds, but instead it sends payment orders between institutions’ accounts, using SWIFT codes. It was SWIFT that standardised IBAN (International Bank Account Numbers) and BIC (Bank Identifier Codes) formats. SWIFT owns and administers the BIC system, meaning that it can quickly identify a bank and send a payment there securely.

What does SWIFT mean for you?

As long as your bank is affiliated with SWIFT, then the network can be used to securely communicate a payment order and get your money from one place to another.

Let's assume a Bank of America (BAC) branch customer in New York wants to send money to their friend who banks at the UniCredit Banca branch in Venice. The New York customer can walk into their Bank of America branch with their friend’s account number and UniCredit Banca’s unique SWIFT code for its Venice branch.

Bank of America will send a payment transfer SWIFT message to the UniCredit Banca branch over the secure SWIFT network. Once Unicredit Banca receives the SWIFT message about the incoming payment, it will clear and credit the money to the Italian friend’s account.


ロシア兵 ウクライナのロシア系老人に説教される。





mozu Retweeted

Putin must face war crime charges


PM suggests Putin could face war crimes charges over Ukraine The Prime Minister told MPs "anyone who sends a Russian into battle to kill innocent Ukrainians" could be brought to court. 24th February 2022
Boris Johnson has signalled Russian President Vladimir Putin could face war crimes charges over the invasion of Ukraine.

The Prime Minister told MPs "anyone who sends a Russian into battle to kill innocent Ukrainians" could be brought to court.

He also told MPs the UK is working with allies to set up a "particular international war crimes tribunal for those involved in war crimes in the Ukraine theatre".

OpEdNews Op Eds 2/24/2022 at 3:30 PM EST    H3'ed 2/24/22

Vladimir Putin is a War Criminal Like Adolf Hitler

 And most importantly, Putin should be indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes.

 Putin must face war crime charges

Amanda Paul

Date: 25/02/2022

War crimes

Crucially, Putin and his cronies responsible for planning and implementing this war should not only have their assets frozen – something the EU is currently preparing for – and be sanctioned but also charged with war crimes. An unprovoked war against a peaceful sovereign state, which has already resulted in hundreds of deaths, including civilians, deserves no less.

Putin’s Historic Miscalculation May Make Him a War Criminal

The West condemns Russia’s aggression as “barbaric” and “horrific,” as Biden warns that conflict could drag on for weeks or months.

By Robin Wright

February 24, 2022

Putin may now also qualify as a war criminal, according to the Geneva Conventions of 1949. War crimes include willful killing and extensive destruction of property “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.” The term has been inconsistently interpreted and unevenly applied to leaders or countries—including to the U.S. and its officials—who have initiated aggression for reasons considered unjustified. In Ukraine, Putin’s “war of choice” has clearly violated international law through his invasion of a sovereign country and attempt to oust its government.



 buvery Retweeted





Zelensky asks Europe to defend Ukraine against invading Russian forces
"If you have combat experience in Europe and do not want to look at the indecision of politicians, you can come to our country and join us in defending Europe, where it is very necessary now," Zelensky, who appeared tired, said in a video.


Speaking on the second day of the attack launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Zelensky also asked Europeans to "demand from your governments that Ukraine receive more financial, more military aid."




kazukazu88 Retweeted




"Our [Ukraine's] only crime was that we wanted to come closer to Europe,"

Ex-ambassador in Kyiv: EU leaders should be 'ashamed' Kostiantyn Yelisieiev (centre) was Ukraine's ambassador to the EU from 2010 to 2015 (Photo: consilium.europa.eu) By ANDREW RETTMAN BRUSSELS, 25. FEB, 12:52

"Let me tell you how I felt when I listened to the EU leaders announce their sanctions: You should be ashamed of yourselves for the rest of your lives that you left us all alone at this moment to face Russian aggression," Ukraine's former ambassador to the EU, Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, told EUobserver from Kyiv on Friday morning (25 February).

"Yesterday I evacuated my family from the city and if anything was to happen to them, you should feel ashamed for the rest of your lives," he added, voicing raw emotion.

"You've chosen to protect your luxury lifestyles, eating Belgian chocolates and drinking Belgian beer. You chose economic welfare over protecting human lives," Yelisieiev said.

"Our [Ukraine's] only crime was that we wanted to come closer to Europe," the former diplomat said, glancing back at the course of events since Ukraine's pro-Western revolutions and the fall of the USSR in 1991.


Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances


織田 邦男 2022/02/22


The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Until then, Ukraine had the world's third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical but no operational control. Russia alone controlled the codes needed to operate the nuclear weapons, [4][5] through electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.[4][5] Formally, these weapons were controlled by the Commonwealth of Independent States.[6]

  Martel, William C. (1998). "Why Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons: non-proliferation incentives and disincentives". In Barry R. Schneider; William L. Dowdy (eds.). Pulling Back from the Nuclear Brink: Reducing and Countering Nuclear Threats. Psychology Press. pp. 88–104. ISBN 9780714648569. Retrieved 6 August 2014. There are some reports that Ukraine had established effective custody, but not operational control, of the cruise missiles and gravity bombs.... By early 1994 the only barrier to Ukraine's ability to exercise full operational control over the nuclear weapons on missiles and bombers deployed on its soil was its inability to circumvent Russian permissive action links (PALs).

 Permissive Action Link

From Wikipedia, 

A Permissive Action Link (PAL) is an access control security device for nuclear weapons. Its purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapon


” Mearsheimer......Ukraine without any nuclear deterrent was likely to be subjected to aggression by Russia,”

  Kiev is developing a command and control system of its own that could be used to launch the weapons without Moscow's permission. 


"Molotov cocktail"

 「火炎瓶 作り方」ウクライナで検索回数急増 当局が市民に呼びかけ

Molotov Cocktail 


The name's origin came from the propaganda Molotov produced during the Winter War, mainly his declaration on Soviet state radio that bombing missions over Finland were actually airborne humanitarian food deliveries for their starving neighbours.[2] As a result, the Finns sarcastically dubbed the Soviet cluster bombs "Molotov bread baskets" in reference to Molotov's propaganda broadcasts.[3] When the hand-held bottle firebomb was developed to attack and destroy Soviet tanks, the Finns called it the "Molotov cocktail", as "a drink to go with his food parcels".[4]


"At bottom of Kremlin's neurotic view of world affairs is traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity."

George Kennan's "Long Telegram" -
At bottom of Kremlin's neurotic view of world affairs is traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity. Originally, this was insecurity of a peaceful agricultural people trying to live on vast exposed plain in neighborhood of fierce nomadic peoples. To this was added, as Russia came into contact with economically advanced West, fear of more competent, more powerful, more highly organized societies in that area. But this latter type of insecurity was one which afflicted rather Russian rulers than Russian people; for Russian rulers have invariably sensed that their rule was relatively archaic in form fragile and artificial in its psychological foundation, unable to stand comparison or contact with political systems of Western countries. For this reason they have always feared foreign penetration, feared direct contact between Western world and their own, feared what would happen if Russians learned truth about world without or if foreigners learned truth about world within. And they have learned to seek security only in patient but deadly struggle for total destruction of rival power, never in compacts and compromises with it.


Basically this is only the steady advance of uneasy Russian nationalism, a centuries old movement in which conceptions of offense and defense are inextricably confused. 

