
Anti-Imperialism of Idiots



One lesson is this: we must be able to criticize our own governments. 

In Britain, our leaders have invaded sovereign states without provocation. They did in Iraq in 2003, taking part in the killing of hundreds of thousands. The people who lied to take us into that war faced no consequences. Their careers continued, as did their luxurious lives, as an entire region of the world was plunged into the depths of hell for decades. We are still living with its consequences today, including here in Britain, whether it be the refugee crisis or the restriction of civil liberties brought about by the “war on terror.”

But they did not only do it in Iraq. We hear very little today about Britain’s role in the NATO-led war in Libya in 2011, which demolished that state, left its people in the hands of warlords, and pushed thousands to flee and drown in the Mediterranean. Nor do we hear about Britain’s complicity in the ongoing war in Yemen, conducted by our ally Saudi Arabia with our weapons, £17.6 billion of which have been provided by BAE systems to the Saudis since 2015. The United Nations estimates that 377,000 Yemenis have died in that conflict.

They sold the Ukrainian people a lie that their democracy and freedom would be safeguarded with US and British and French military might

And so, what was all this for? Why were the Ukrainians walked up a garden path only to be abandoned to their fate? Did anyone really believe that Russia would permit American missiles to be placed on its border? They didn’t, for the same reason we all know that the United States would never permit China to place its missiles in Guadalajara. In fact, we don’t need the hypothetical: when the Soviet Union tried it in Cuba, we got the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war.

  ピッグス湾事件(ピッグスわんじけん、スペイン語: Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos、英語: Bay of Pigs Invasion)は、1961年に在米亡命キューバ人部隊がアメリカ合衆国CIAの支援の下でグアテマラで軍事訓練の後、キューバに侵攻してフィデル・カストロ革命政権の打倒を試みた事件[1]。




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