PM suggests Putin could face war crimes charges over Ukraine The Prime Minister told MPs "anyone who sends a Russian into battle to kill innocent Ukrainians" could be brought to court. 24th February 2022病院を攻撃する時点で、もう十分人道に反する →ロシア軍、クラスター弾で病院攻撃か 国際人権団体が調査―ウクライナ侵攻:時事ドットコム
— Shoko Egawa (@amneris84) February 26, 2022
Boris Johnson has signalled Russian President Vladimir Putin could face war crimes charges over the invasion of Ukraine.The Prime Minister told MPs "anyone who sends a Russian into battle to kill innocent Ukrainians" could be brought to court.He also told MPs the UK is working with allies to set up a "particular international war crimes tribunal for those involved in war crimes in the Ukraine theatre".
OpEdNews Op Eds 2/24/2022 at 3:30 PM EST H3'ed 2/24/22
Vladimir Putin is a War Criminal Like Adolf Hitler
And most importantly, Putin should be indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes.
Putin must face war crime charges
War crimes
Crucially, Putin and his cronies responsible for planning and implementing this war should not only have their assets frozen – something the EU is currently preparing for – and be sanctioned but also charged with war crimes. An unprovoked war against a peaceful sovereign state, which has already resulted in hundreds of deaths, including civilians, deserves no less.
Putin’s Historic Miscalculation May Make Him a War Criminal
Putin may now also qualify as a war criminal, according to the Geneva Conventions of 1949. War crimes include willful killing and extensive destruction of property “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.” The term has been inconsistently interpreted and unevenly applied to leaders or countries—including to the U.S. and its officials—who have initiated aggression for reasons considered unjustified. In Ukraine, Putin’s “war of choice” has clearly violated international law through his invasion of a sovereign country and attempt to oust its government.
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