buvery Retweeted
— 島田洋一(Shimada Yoichi) (@ProfShimada) September 16, 2022
ちなみに中央後方が、全会一致の「安倍首相追悼決議案」を出したハガティ上院議員(当時駐日大使)。皆、情に厚い人々だった pic.twitter.com/YsD0QgP4NX
kazukazu88 RetweetedNEW: income inequality in US & UK is so wide that while the richest are very well off, the poorest have a worse standard of living than the poorest in countries like Slovenia https://t.co/gtHvhNsnuT
— John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) September 16, 2022
Essentially, US & UK are poor societies with some very rich people.
A thread: pic.twitter.com/fXFsULsrQ3
There’s plenty of 💰 to go around, but too much is going to those at the top, while the safety net at the bottom is totally inadequate.The real benchmark for whether a country is a good place to live is what the bottom of the distribution looks like.And none of this is to say that reducing inequality should come at the expense of economic growth. There is no trade-off here. As you can see from the charts, general economic performance and average living standards are higher in several of these more equal countries than the US
CARPは糞だな。相変わらず嘘つき>統一教会=CARPとして統一教会への勧誘は行っていないと否定=『ワイド!スクランブル』旧統一教会と関わりある“九大CARP”特集にネット騒然「彼らの恐ろしさ、カルトの騙しの手口がよくわかる」(New's Vision) https://t.co/dRwpx5wbnJ
— 紀藤正樹 MasakiKito (@masaki_kito) September 17, 2022
午後から6時間近くにわたる、全国霊感商法対策弁護士連絡会の集会に参加させていただきました。弁護士、被害者、学者、牧師さんなど、様々な実践、経験、知見を学べました。今度こそ、宗教法人の解散、被害の救済と防止策、政治と統一協会の関係の一掃へ、思いのこもった集会でした。 pic.twitter.com/gAb8WawU1Z
— 宮本徹 (@miyamototooru) September 16, 2022
、宗教法人の解散、被害の救済と防止策、政治と統一協会の関係の一掃へうんっ! 頑張ってほしい。世論の支援が冷めないうちにスピーディーにやってほしい。
— 町山智浩 (@TomoMachi) September 17, 2022
維新完全勝利さま ありがたいこってす。 https://t.co/MUlzkXyjwz
suzuky Retweeted
おまえら、この図見てなんかわかるのか?→日本では蓄電池や火力のバックアップの強迫観念的言説が多いですが、国際的には「柔軟性 flexibility」という概念が盛んに議論される。柔軟性は「調整力」の上位概念とお考え下さい。様々な選択肢があり、既存の安いものから使うのが世界のスタンダード。日本は国際議論から乖離しガラパゴス。→ pic.twitter.com/CKaxdu5Too
— 安田 陽 (@YohYasuda) September 16, 2022
Why is variability a challenge?It should first be pointed out that variability is not a new phenomenon in power system operation: demand has fluctuated up and down since the first consumer was connected to the first power plant. The resulting imbalances have always had to be managed, mainly by dispatchable power plants. So variable renewable electricity in the system is an additional, rather than a new, challenge that presents two elements: variability (now on the supply-side as well), and uncertaintyWhat is flexibility?Flexibility expresses the extent to which a power system can modify electricity production or consumption in response to variability, expected or otherwise. In other words, it expresses the capability of a power system to maintain reliable supply in the face of rapid and large imbalances, whatever the cause. It is measured in terms of megawatts (MW) available for ramping up and down, over time. For example, a given combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant may be able to ramp outputup or down at 10 MW per minute
風力発電で冬に発生した電気を 蓄電池で貯めるのはコストがかかるのでそれは最後の問題。他に蓄電方法があるので大丈夫!!ということか?
3. 熱エネルギー貯蔵
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