
A U.S.-China Grand Bargain?



 池田信夫 reposted



 「漏洩」文書が事実かどうかは未確証だろうが、いずれにせよ現状をなるべく客観的に見ようとすると明らかにイスラエルはそのように行動している。 https://t.co/3AJVjHiNIg

— 篠田英朗 Hideaki SHINODA (@ShinodaHideaki) October 29, 2023


 ガザを「open air prison」(天井のない監獄)と呼ぶのは全くの誤りで、その実態は「concentration camp」(強制収容所)


It is only getting harder. Twenty months into the war, about a fifth of Ukraine’s territory remains under Russian occupation. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians have been killed, and Zelensky can feel during his travels that global interest in the war has slackened. So has the level of international support.

Another tells me that, most of all, Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it.

The Democrats, for their part, wanted to understand where the war was headed, and how badly Ukraine needed U.S. support. “They asked me straight up: If we don’t give you the aid, what happens?” Zelensky recalls. “What happens is we will lose.”



ウクライナ戦争について、日本のIR学者、ツイッター ミリオタはあてにならんかったね。 

Will China’s Rise Lead to War? Why Realism Does Not Mean Pessimism By Charles Glaser March/April 2011 Published on March 1, 2011
In the March 2011 issue of Foreign Affairs, Charles Glaser makes similar arguments in analyzing Sino-American relations from the perspective of international relations theory.[3] He rejects the Realist prediction that a rising China inevitably will clash with the United States, the reigning global power. Glaser explains that China’s rise need not threaten US interests because “there is actually little reason to believe that [Beijing] has or will develop grand territorial ambitions in its region or beyond.” Therefore, Washington’s priority should be avoiding unnecessary conflict, not countering or containing China’s growing power. The best opportunity to reassure Beijing that the United States is not countering or containing it, he argues, is to yield to Beijing’s preferences regarding Taiwan. Glaser adds, “The challenge for the United States will come in making adjustments to its policies in situations in which less-than-vital interests (such as Taiwan) might cause problems and in making sure it does not exaggerate the risks posed by China’s growing power and military capabilities.”




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