
the crimes against the Palestinians are, “infinitely worse than those committed by the apartheid regime in South Africa


John Mearsheimer: Dark Times Ahead for Israel 6 年前 

What makes Israel’s relationship with the United States extraordinary is not simply the fact that Israel has received more foreign aid than any other country, or that Washington almost always backs Israel diplomatically. What makes it truly special is that the aid is given unconditionally. In other words, Israel gets this aid even when it does things that the United States opposes, like building settlements in the West Bank.

In particular, we maintain that it would have been much better for both countries if the United States had long ago pressured Israel to stop building settlements and allow for the creation of a viable Palestinian state.  But this did not happen—and it will not happen—because the lobby makes it impossible for American leaders to use the leverage at their disposal to pressure Israel. 

But the key stain on Israel’s reputation is its brutal treatment of the Palestinians and the fact that it has become an apartheid state.  Until recently, Israel and its supporters were able to maintain the fiction that there would eventually be a legitimate Palestinian state living side by side with Israel, but it is now clear that there is virtually no chance that will happen, and Greater Israel is here to stay.  

Speaking of South Africa, there are a number of individuals who were well acquainted with the situation in that racist state before it collapsed who believe that the situation in Israel is worse.  John Dugard, the eminent South African law professor, says that the crimes against the Palestinians are, to quote him, “infinitely worse than those committed by the apartheid regime in South Africa.” He is hardly the lone voice in that regard.

Because of time constraints, I will focus exclusively on the first of those operations, Cast Lead, which took place in the weeks before President Obama was inaugurated in 2009.  Israeli forces killed about 1,400 Palestinians, of whom roughly 1,200 were civilians; 350 of those civilians were children.  In contrast, 13 Israelis were killed.  

There are other signs of serious trouble in Israel.  Especially worrisome are the racist attitudes among large segments of Jewish Israeli youth

I believe dark times are ahead for both Israel and the lobby.  There is no reason to think Israel is going to move toward a two-state solution.  Greater Israel is here to stay, and that state is and will remain an apartheid state.  

Regardless of the outcome, I’m deeply sad to say that the decades ahead promise abundant trouble for Israel, and especially for the Palestinians.  The United States will not be spared either, simply because the lobby will be working overtime to protect Israel and preserve the special relationship, which is likely to harm America’s intellectual life, as well as its politics.  Thank you.


 イスラエルロビーによってイスラエルのやりたい放題。しかし、それがイスラエルやアメリカのためにもなっていない。もちろん、パレスチナ人にとっては最悪ーーアパルトヘイトで、残酷な弾圧虐待を受け続けている。南アのアパルトヘイトよりInfinitely 際限なく悪い、と。


 へええ。 真相が明らかになったわけではまだない、ところも注意 この手の動画に注意が必要なのは、 


 2)パレスチナ側の民間人に犠牲についてイスラエル側の反応はどうだったのか? ーー戦争は人を狂わす。


 ”extension”「延長」・・・なんの話をしているんや????とおもったね・・・いまではわかるけど・・・ 国連安保理決議242   [UN Security Council resolution 242]

いけないに決まっている。しかし、それは帰化人に限らんからな。 中国や韓国からの帰化人で、石平さんとか、むしろ中国や韓国が恐れる帰化人もいる。 国際調査機関をいれるべきだろうね。 

 buvery reposted だな。 パラッと検索するとハマスがホロコーストを否定している記事をおれもいくつか認めたが、
一方で2008年にガザを支配するハマス政府の保健相バッセム・ナイームが英ガーディアン紙で「ハマスはホロコーストを非難する」として「ホロコーストは人道に対する罪というだけでなく、現代において最も嫌悪すべき犯罪の一つ」と書いています。 Hamas condemns the Holocaust | Bassem Naeem | The Guardian https://theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/may/12/hamascondemnstheholocaust
Hamas condemns the Holocaust This article is more than 15 years oldBassem Naeem 

「ハマス政府」はとしてしまった点は間違い。 ハマスの現在の公式見解が反シオニズムであって反ユダヤ人でないのは川上さんが正しい。同時に、ハマスのなかに反ユダヤ人主義がいるだろうことは想像に難くない・・・イスラエル人のなかに反パレスチナ人主義がいるであろうのと同じ。 いずれにせよ、お二人共この地域について貴重な意見を発信しておられるわけですね。

 できれば出典を明確にしてリンクを張ってもらいたい。 とにかく、小中学校には通わせるべきだな。できれば日本の学校に・・・日本人としてマナーとか学校でならっていることが多いんじゃないか、と思うようになったな、おれは。

 Guardian-reading wokerati reposted Japanがはいっていない。


 kazukazu88 reposted 社会保障料は削減して支出は増やさんといかんな。国債フル稼働だな。 

 kazukazu88 reposted エジプトの偉い人がそんなこと言っていたわな。
"Gaza has been an open-air prison for many years." She also expressed concern that the conflict could escalate further.

 kazukazu88 reposted
Israel troops kill two Palestinian teens in West Bank amid ... .


https://www.reuters.com › middle-east

5 日前 — Israeli forces shot dead two Palestinian teenagers near Ramallah in the West Bank on Wednesday during widespread protests against Israel's ...

Several Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the occupied ...

Al Jazeera

https://www.aljazeera.com › news

4 日前 — At least nine Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian health ministry, ...

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The New York Times

https://www.nytimes.com › middleeast

3 日前 — Deadly violence is surging across the Israeli-occupied West Bank, where 13 Palestinians and one Israeli officer were killed in clashes on ...

Israeli forces kill six Palestinian children in the occupied ...

Defense for Children Palestine

https://www.dci-palestine.org › israe...

3 日前 — “Israeli forces are increasingly and brazenly killing Palestinian children throughout the West Bank,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, accountability .


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