


 町山智浩 reposted  理不尽な眼にあっているのはわかるが、無辜の民間人をあのように殺害してはいけない。

 kazukazu88 reposted


 Lauren Chen @TheLaurenChen · 4h There are innocent people in Palestine. Ignoring that makes you no better than Hamas when they attack civilians for what the Israeli state does to them.

Michael Colom @m_colom_4h
The defense minister said he's cutting off food to Gaza as well.  Starving civilians with siege warfare is a war crime.

反論大意ーガザには無辜の民間人がおり、 電気を止めたり、食料をとめて民間人を攻撃するのは戦争犯罪だ、と。

  More than 100 bodies recovered from kibbutz as Hamas makes Israel hostages death threat Miriam Burrell and Sami Quadri Tue, October 10, 2023 a 

キブツ【kibbutz】 の解説 

イスラエルの100人以上の無辜の農民がハマスによって殺害される。 正気を、というか、情を失っているのではないか?

 町山智浩 reposted Guardian-reading wokerati reposted 二国家解決


Pro-Palestinian rally in Sydney calls for Australia to drop support for Israel 

Speaking from Town Hall, activist and academic Fahad Ali called on the crowd to resist Israeli occupation of Palestine.

We’ve suffered 75 years of dispossession, denied our rights to life and liberty, under an ever-worsening occupation by a colonial regime that has perpetrated every kind of atrocity upon us,” he said.

Prime minister Anthony Albanese earlier told Sydney 2GB radio that the pro-Palestine rally should have been called off out of respect for the loss of life.

“I support people’s right to demonstrate their their views - we’re a democratic nation ... But what is to be served apart from creating a climate that is not conducive to peace?” he said.

Declaring himself a supporter of the two-state solution, he also said Hamas’ attack was not in the interests of either Israelis or Palestinians.

There’s no doubt there has been and continues to be Palestinian suffering but the actions of Hamas in this are completely indefensible,” he said.

“Every effort should always be made to protect and not to harm civilians.

“But Israel, of course, does have a right to defend itself.”


世界各国のハマス支援デモ 叫んだだけで逮捕される、というのもすごいが、ライフルだか、機関銃みたいのもった警官が街で監視している、というのもすでに文明国ではないような・・・・


buvery reposted 世界が揺れている。 
町山智浩 reposted  谷口雅春 親学



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