History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
Israeli settlements, explained | Settlements Part I
The Green Line, (pre-)1967 border, or 1949 Armistice border,[1] is the demarcation line set out in the 1949 Armistice Agreements between the armies of Israel and those of its neighbors (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. It served as the de facto borders of the State of Israel from 1949 until the Six-Day War in 1967, and continues to represent Israel’s internationally recognized borders with the two Palestinian territories: the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.[2][3]
グリーンライン 休戦時の境界線がイスラエルとパレスチナを分ける国境になるべき、となっている。が、その後も入植者が境界線内に入植
Having heard the statement of the Permanent Representative of Jordan and other statements made before the Council,Stressing the urgent need to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East,Affirming once more that the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of12 August 1949, is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem,1.Determines that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and otherArab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving acomprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East;
Why Israeli settlements don’t feel like a conflict zone | Settlements Part II
Noam Chomsky - Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?
1. **Historical Roots of U.S. Support for Israel:**- Christian Zionism, predating Jewish Zionism, played a significant role in the historical ties between the U.S. and Israel.- Influential figures in British and American elites, like Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman, were devout Christians who interpreted the Bible literally, shaping their support for Jewish colonization.2. **Settler Colonial Societies and Religious Motivations:**- Countries strongly supporting Israel, such as the U.S., Australia, and Canada, are seen as settler colonial societies with religious motivations.- The settlers, driven by Christian Zionism, eliminated native populations, reflecting unusual forms of imperialism.3. **Geostrategic Factors in U.S.-Israel Relations:**- The Pentagon and State Department initially had differing views on Israel, with the Pentagon recognizing Israel's military potential as a significant force in the region.- Israel's cooperation with the U.S. during crises, such as in 1958, solidified its position as a strategic ally and potential base for U.S. power in the Middle East.4. **Israel as a Military Ally of the U.S.:**- Israel's role in destroying secular Arab nationalism and supporting radical Islam aligned with U.S. interests, leading to close military ties.- During conflicts, like the Gaza attack, the U.S. provided additional munitions to Israel, highlighting their deep military collaboration.5. **Media Influence and Lack of Dissent:**- The media tends to support government policies with minimal questioning, exemplified by the lack of critical coverage of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.- Intellectual communities often align with state power, showing a tendency to conform rather than challenge, despite self-perceptions of dissent and courage.
Chomsky on Palestine and Israel
(a) That the Palestinian people should be enabled to exercise its inalienable national right of self-determination, including the right to establish an independent state in Palestine in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;In favour: Benin, France, Guyana, Japan, Pakistan, Panama, Romania, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Republic of Tanzania.Against: United States of America.Abstained: Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
published July, 2010: Since many factors are making the two-state solution seem increasingly unlikely, this factsheet looks at the possible alternatives or outcomes should peace negotiations fail. John J. Mearsheimer, a renown author and professor of political science at University of Chicago, believes that a two-state solution would be the best outcome for both the Israelis and Palestinians, but fears that time is running out for a viable two-state resolution. Barring a two-state solution, Mearsheimer hypothesizes that there are only three possible alternatives: a democratic, bi-national state, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.
「 嫌われる勇気」って英語になっているんだ?
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that causes individuals to doubt their reality. Stephanie Moulton Sarkis' book "Gaslighting" sheds light on this serious form of emotional abuse and provides valuable insights on how to break free from the cycle of manipulation. Here are some key takeaways from the book that can help you regain control of your life.
manipulative ではなかったが、おれにも経験がある。障害1級の友人に弁護士事務所の人と会ったでしょ、と言ったら「会っていません」と。そんな筈ないだろう、と彼の家族に確認しても覚えていない、と。しまいには彼が怒りだす始末。「あれ、おれの記憶違いかなあ」と思ってラインのログみたら、文書のテキストで会った日のことがちゃんと残っていた。物理的な記録がないと確認のしようがない。しかし、あのときの孤立感というか、違和感というか、「おれおかしくなっちゃったのか」という感覚はちょっとした恐怖だった。
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2. Recognize the signs: Gaslighting can manifest in various ways, such as constant lying, denial of events or conversations, trivializing feelings, and projecting blame onto the victim. Being aware of these signs can help you identify when you're being gaslit.What does gaslighting mean and is overuse of the term trivialising it?
She says to look for common phrases such as "you're overreacting" and "you're crazy" as warning signs.
— ゆずみかん🇫🇷パリでフリーランサー (@yuzumikan4791) October 10, 2023
ヨルダンは、イスラエルに軍事支援を提供するため、米空軍機に軍事基地を開放すると発表した。 https://t.co/3tWdhLQw7M
GRAPHIC WARNING- Israelis Piss On The Dead Body Of Hamas Terrorist As The Middle East Degrades News Politics Terror War 8 hrs agoこれはイスラム教では普通のことではありません。 これらのことを禁止する多くの聖句やハディースがあります。 イスラム教とアラブ文化を混同しないでください。
— Ahmet🇯🇵🇹🇷 (@AtasagunMizuki) October 10, 2023
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トルコでは危なくて暮らせないから日本で難民申請しているわけで・・・・クルド人自称難民子弟の教育、意思決定は頑張れよではなく、「トルコで幸せに暮らしてください」が、一番人道的で、合理的な選択肢に思えるのですけれど。男は解体業、女の人は主婦しか人生の道がない https://t.co/5sD8Xl2z4Y
— 石井孝明(Ishii Takaaki) (@ishiitakaaki) October 9, 2023
— 進撃のJapan (@roketdan2) July 3, 2023
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— 石井孝明(Ishii Takaaki) (@ishiitakaaki) October 10, 2023
RTクルド人問題、苦しむ埼玉県民の声−日本人女性の恐怖体験(上) https://t.co/jTUIyRSYpd
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