
”the possibility of a two-state solution depends on changing U.S. policy ”


And, uh, d-don't forget the poem on page a hundred and twelve. It reminded me of you. 


  somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Tumblr View print mode Copy embed code Add this poem to an anthology E. E. Cummings

...And I started to feel how can you even think of killing yourself? I mean, isn't it so stupid? I mean,
l-look at all the people up there on the screen. You know, they're real funny, and, and what if the worst is

What if there's no God, and you only go around once and that's it? Well, you know, don't you want to be part of the experience? You know, what the hell, it-i-it's not all a drag. And I'm thinking to myself, geez, I should stop ruining my life......searching for answers I'm never gonna get, and just enjoy it while
it lasts. And...you know....

..after, who knows? I mean, you know, maybe there is something. Nobody really knows. I know, I know
"maybe" is a very slim reed to hang your whole life on, but that's the best we have. And...then, I started to sit back, and I actually began to enjoy myself.


Chat GTP
  1. Noam Chomsky discusses the struggle between a two-state solution and a one-state solution with equal rights for Jews and Palestinians in Israel and Palestine.
  2. Chomsky believes that Israel will never accept a one-state solution because it would result in Jews becoming a minority.
  3. He points out the ongoing development of infrastructure in the West Bank, which integrates it into Israel and gradually creates a de facto "Greater Israel."
  4. Chomsky mentions that the strategy is to annex areas of value to Israel while leaving out Palestinian population concentrations to avoid a demographic problem.
  5. He suggests that the possibility of a two-state solution depends on changing U.S. policy and shifting support for Israel away from the far right and toward more liberal and internationalist communities.

 池田信夫 reposted


 池田信夫 reposted 言えてるな。

 池田信夫 reposted
Over the last quarter century, ‘neoliberalism’ has been associated with such different political figures as Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Augusto Pinochet, Boris Yeltsin, Jiang Zemin, Manmohan Singh, Junichiro Koizumi, John Howard, and George W. Bush. But not one of these political leaders has ever publicly embraced this ambiguous label – although they all share some affinity for ‘neoliberal’ policies aimed at deregulating national economies, liberalizing international trade, and creating a single global market 
  Neoliberalism very short introduction

日本のネオリベ路線は橋本龍太郎に始まって小泉内閣へ、英米ほど徹底しなかったが、ネオリベ路線だった、という評価。 わりに「定説」「通説」の部類なんじゃないの?


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