
Hamas and IDF Just stop killing civilians! Killing civilians is indefensible, whether done by Hamas or IDF


Guardian-reading wokerati reposted ハマスだろうがIDFだろうが民間人殺害は戦争犯罪だな。 

 Guardian-reading wokerati reposted IDFは市民虐殺しているな。





is Israel using white phosphorus as a weapon on civilians in Gaza Human Rights Watch say these white clouds filmed earlier in the week over the port of Gaza are white phosphorus Munitions but the Israeli military denies using them white phosphorus is a chemical substance that ignites instantly when it comes into contact with oxygen and burns until it's all gone it's incredibly powerful at spreading fires and is poisonous to humans if this chemical rains down on you it causes painful toxic burn turns 00:31 and inhaling it can cause organ damage or even death white phosphorus is not technically a chemical weapon and using it as a smoke screen is allowed in war but detonating it over populated areas in broad daylight is considered a war crime the IDF has told us that they don't use white phosphorus in Gaza and without on the ground analysis it's really hard to know for sure but the Israeli military has been accused of using white phosphorus bombs on civilians in the past and now those concerns are being raised again

Israel has been using white phosphorus in its ongoing military operations in Gaza, putting civilians at unnecessary risk in what amounts to a breach of international humanitarian law, Human Rights Watch has said.

The rights group said that it verified footage taken in Lebanon on Tuesday and in Gaza on Wednesday showing multiple instances of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port, and at two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border.

The use of white phosphorus – which burns when exposed to oxygen, creating intense heat and smoke – is not banned outright in warzones under international law. The substance can be legally used on battlefields for marking targets or creating smoke screens.

Human Rights Watch said the use of the white phosphorus in Gaza, one of the world’s most densely populated areas, violated the prohibitions in international humanitarian law against putting civilians at unnecessary risk.

“Any time that white phosphorus is used in crowded civilian areas, it poses a high risk of excruciating burns and lifelong suffering,” said Lama Fakih, the group’s Middle East and North Africa director. “White phosphorus is unlawfully indiscriminate when airburst in populated urban areas, where it can burn down houses and cause egregious harm to civilians.”


White phosphorus munitions 

Despite the danger, for 2022 the Chemical Weapons Convention did not classify phosphorus bombs as such. Non-governmental international organizations have recorded their use during military conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip, and other war zones. However, the use of phosphorus bombs near populated areas or civilians is still a war crime, as humanitarian law requires military attacks to be selective. The command is obliged to distinguish between civilians and soldiers, as well as civilian and military objects, which is impossible when using such projectiles in populated areas

In a 2005 interview with RAI, Peter Kaiser, spokesman for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons[74] (an organisation overseeing the CWC and reporting directly to the UN General Assembly), discussed cases where use of WP would potentially fall under the auspices of the CWC:

No it's not forbidden by the CWC if it is used within the context of a military application that does not require or does not intend to use the toxic properties of white phosphorus. White phosphorus is normally used to produce smoke, to camouflage movement.

If that is the purpose for which the white phosphorus is used, then that is considered under the convention legitimate use.

If on the other hand the toxic properties of white phosphorus are specifically intended to be used as a weapon, that, of course, is prohibited, because the way the convention is structured or applied, any chemicals used against humans or animals that cause harm or death through the toxic properties of the chemical are considered chemical weapons.[75]

 白燐弾の使用は戦争犯罪だ、とする報道も多いが、 「特定通常兵器使用禁止制限条約第三議定書」や「化学兵器の開発、生産、貯蔵及び使用の禁止並びに廃棄に関する条約」に違反する、というわけではなく、「戦争においても民間人を殺傷してはいけない」、という国際法に反して、戦争犯罪である、ということのようである。昼日中殺傷能力のある物質を人口が密集する地域で使えば民間人が殺傷される危険があり、それは戦争犯罪だろう、というのがたぶん、理屈。


  An employee at the Israeli Embassy in China has been stabbed. A foreign suspect is detained Story by The Canadian Press •
Since the war broke out, antisemitic remarks have surged on Chinese social media. Bombarded with hostile messages, the Israeli Embassy in Beijing is filtering comments on its Chinese social media account.
、韓国の人たちは日本でお金使わないで可哀想な米軍性奴隷に寄付でもするのかな? 憎しみがどんな帰結をうむか目の当たりにしているのにいまだにヘイトを拡散しているんだな。
流言飛語、ブルシットの流通拡散が目的 1)親と絡めて紹介されると困る政治家多いんじゃないの? 


2) ゴミ拾いをしているクルド協会の人たちと問題を話し合うこと。 1)写真ではなにやっているかわからない。 



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