I will argue that it is human nature, specifically the experience of infant helplessness, our need for a powerful father, the struggle to control (and be forgiven for) unacceptable impulses, our fear of death and our need to understand our place in the universe that drive our belief in God.“Freud insisted that God was nothing but the wishful emotional clinging to an exalted childhood father transformed into a supernatural being”At first, God and Satan were one, just like the idealized human father, but both are eventually split – the ‘good’ father became God; the ‘bad’ father became Satan (Freud, 1923a).
ちなみに、先日紹介した、 The Illusion of God's Presence の著者は、人間の神の原型は父親ではなく、母親とみていたね。こっちのほうが説得力あるんじゃないか、と私は思うね。
Some of the central characteristics of pre-logical thinking, also called pre-operational thinking and ‘magical thinking’, are animism, artificialism, substantialism and realism. Animism is the belief that everything in the world is alive, like me. Piaget defined animism as a child’s mistaken belief that non-living things are alive or have attributes of animals or people (e.g., the sun was angry with the clouds, so he chased them away)....
Piaget, Tomlinson and Tomlinson (1929) identified three stages in the genesis of
animism: (i) during the first stage, the child confuses self and objects (things) and believes that wishes and desires can exert a magical influence on reality; (ii) in the second stage, the child can differentiate self from objects, but still attributes subjective qualities to inanimate objects. The child still believes that s/he can operate on objects from a distance. The concepts of mental and physical activity are not yet separated. During this stage of cognitive development, both magical and animistic explanations are given for physical phenomena. For example, if the child perceives that the sun or moon ‘follow’ him as he walks, he may attribute causality to infantile Taboos, conscience, neurosis, and religion 53 omnipotence (“I am making the sun and moon move”) or to animism (“the sun and moon are following me”). In the third stage, (iii) the child understands that thoughts and words are not located in things, but rather in ‘my head’
心理学者がみる主客未分以前の世界なんだね。そして、そこでは、主客も一体なら ものともの名、そしてものと性質は不可分で、言葉はものや性質と一体なわけだね。
— 三春充希(はる)⭐未来社会プロジェクト (@miraisyakai) October 10, 2022
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— 津田大介 (@tsuda) October 11, 2022
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