町山智浩 Retweeted
— 武田砂鉄 (@takedasatetsu) October 22, 2022
本当の話に基づいた嘘、みたいな感じか。ここ10年の映画の"Based on a true story"くらい怪しいものはないわけで。ヘタすると登場人物の名前と性別だけが真実なだけでは?みたいな。キャラだけ使って違う物語作って平然としてたり
— suzuky (@suzuky) October 20, 2022
Young White House aides frequently mocked Biden’s gaffes and lack of discipline in comparison to the almost clerical Obama. They would chortle at how Biden, like an elderly uncle at Thanksgiving, would launch into extended monologues that everyone had heard before.Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all C ’ s and D ’ s in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in “Great English Writers” and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students. He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree. He was not a binder person, Clinton and Obama aides said.One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warning, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) October 21, 2022
そのときNATOが、非加盟国への攻撃に核で報復することはありえないが、何もしないとチキンの烙印を押される。通常兵器で最小限度の報復をするのでは。 https://t.co/06s6sz8M82
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