

NUSSBAUM の U P H E A V A L S OF T H O U G H Tを読んでいて彼女の引用している感情論、情動についての理論に興味をもってちょこっと調べてみた。

心理学におけるEmotion の定義もいろいろあるようで、心理学の辞書によると、

n. A transient, neurophysiological response to a stimulus that excites a coordinated system of bodily and mental responses that inform us about our relationship to the stimulus and prepare us to deal with it in some way 

Any short-term evaluative, affective, intentional, psychological state, including happiness, sadness, disgust, and other inner feelings 

A M E R I C A N  P S Y C H O L O G I C A L  A S S O C I A T I O N 

emotion n. 
a complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral, and physiological elements, by which an individual attempts to deal with a personally significant matter or event. The specific quality of the emotion (e.g., fear, shame) is determined by the specific significance of the event. For example, if the significance involves threat, fear is likely to be generated; if the significance involves disapproval from another, shame is likely to be generated. Emotion typically involves feeling but differs from feeling in having an overt or implicit engagement with the world. 

岩波 心理学小辞典 宮城音弥編

を認める(認知*)だけでなく,美しい, みにくい,感じがよい,感じが悪いなどというようにく価値づけ>をする. このような主体の情況や対象に対する態度あるいは価値づけをく感情>という.



 ”The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology” (PP "emotion")のemotion の記事には、”Emotions as social constructions” ”Emotions as biological phenomena”” Emotions as cognitions”” Emotions as embodied appraisals" などの学説が紹介されている。



  NUSSBAUMは、LAZARUSを引用するんだけど、その著作の、”Passion and Reason”(PR) や”EMOTION AND ADAPTATION”(EA)で、反射と感情的反応の違いについて面白い言及している。

EA 51

However, it is not uncommon to come upon a young deer who "freezes" in the middle of the road, an innate reaction to danger, as I approach in my car. Freezing is quite useful when there are predators around, because it is hard to notice a deer that is motionless in the tall yellow-brown grass. However, though it is an innate reflex, freezing in the middle of the road is not useful, especially if the position is held too long or occurs at night when cars move faster and visibility is reduced. 


a criticism levied at biological theories is that they do not or are unable to distinguish emotions from motivations (including certain desires). if the distal function of emotions is the facilitation of solutions to certain classes of adaptive problem, solutions that are implemented by the more proximal function of motivating behaviour, then how are emotions to be distinguished from motivational states such as hunger, thirst, and sex drive, which also fulfil such functions, and which also involve bodily states of affairs and representations thereof? (PP "emotion")


ちなみに、 廣松渉 にも表情論があったよな、と思って、みてみると、

存在と意味第二巻 p6







It is almost impossible to understand the extent to which this upheaval agitated, and by that very fact had temporarily enriched, the mind of M . de Charlus. Love in this way produces real geological upheavals of thought. In the mind of M . de Charlus, which only several days before resembled a plane so flat that even from a good vantage point one could not have discerned an idea sticking up above the ground, a mountain range had abruptly thrust itself into view, hard as rock - but mountains sculpted as if an artist, instead of taking the marble away, had worked it on the spot, and where there twisted about one another, in giant and swollen groupings, Rage, Jealousy, Curiosity, Envy, Hate, Suffering, Pride, Astonishment, and Love.

 Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past 

 この不安がシャルリュス氏の頭をどれほど動揺させ、またそのことによっ て一時的にその頭をどれほど豊かにしたかは、とうてい計り知れない。このように恋 心なるものは、思考という地質に正真正銘の隆起をひきおこすのだ。シャルリュス氏 の頭は、数日前には真っ平らな平原にも似て、どれほど遠くにも地表からとび出てい る一塊の思念すら認められなかったのに、いまやその頭のなかに突如として岩のよう に固い山がいくつも聳え立ったのである。山といっても、だれか彫刻家がそこから大 理石を運び出した山ではなく、その場で大理石に鑿をふるったかのように彫刻された 山々で、そこに「憤怒」「嫉妬」「好奇」「妬み」「憎悪」「苦悩」「傲慢」「恐怖」「愛情」 などの途方もなく巨大な群像が身をよじっているのだ。 

失われた時を求めて 9 ソドムとゴモラ Ⅱ(2-3)岩波文庫 p504




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