



”compassion” ってのは、「同情」だけど、この方のいうように、日本語で、ぴったりくる単語はないかなあ。

 英語では、おれなんか、”the Compassionate Buddha”を連想する。いわばブッタとセットみたいなもので、だから、日本語だと「慈悲心」とか「慈しむ」みたいな感じかもしれないが、同情で類語をみると、「憐れに思う」とか、「思いやる」みたいのが近いのかなあ。ラザラスは、

The personal meaning of compassion is that one understands that another human being, like oneself, is suffering and deserves help. 





Compassion, Aristo「tle argues, is a painful emotion directed at another person’s misfortune or suffering (Rhet. 13 8 5 b ! 3 ff.). 



Compassion, then, has three cognitive elements: the judgment of size(a serious bad event has befallen someone); the judgment of nondesert (this person did not bring the suffering on himself or herself); and the eudaimonistic judgment (this person, or creature, is a significant element in my scheme of goals and projects, an end whose good is to be promoted). The Aristotelian judgment o f similar possibilities is an epistemological aid to forming the eudaimonistic judgment - not necessary, but usually very important. 

1)苦しみが甚大で 2)苦しみに値するようなことはしていない 3)自分にとって大切な存在者である 



Thus Clark finds that Americans are on the whole less ready than Europeans to judge that poverty is bad luck, given the prevalence of the belief that initiative and hard work are important factors in determining economic success. Similarly, Americans have been slow to judge that sexual assault is a “ plight,” even if it is clearly a wrongful act against the woman, because they retain attitudes suggesting that the woman “ brought it on herself” - by walking alone in a dangerous place, for example. On the other hand, alcoholism and drug abuse are surprisingly likely - and more likely than in previous generations - to be seen as things that “ fall on” the person through no fault of her own.



Why are kings without pity for their subjects? Because they count on never being human beings. Why are the rich so hard toward the poor? It is because they have no fear of being poor.・・・・

 王様が臣民に対してい無慈悲でいられるのも、金持ちが貧乏人に同情心がわかないのも、 自分たちが臣民なったり貧乏になる可能性が薄いからだ、と。

Raoul Hilherg shows how pervasively Nazi talk of Jews, in connection with their murder, portrayed them as nonhuman:either as beings of a remote animal kind, such as insects or vermin, or as inanimate objects, “ cargo” to be transported




 truly omniscient deity ought to know the significance of human suffering without thinking of its own risks or bad prospects, and a truly loving deity will be intensely concerned for the ills befalling mortals without having to think of more personal loss or risk.


 それでもいいけど、仏教的には山川草木悉皆成仏。「天地と我と同根、万物と我と一体」といわれるわけで、姿形は似ていなくても根底の同一性を観ることでやはり、あなたの苦しみは私の苦しみ、苦しみをとりのぞいてあげたい、といったcompassion の説明はつく。、

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