

🐱野尻美保子(リセットさん)さんがリツイートしました www...どっちでもええやん。

 町山智浩さんがリツイートしました 共産党に志位さんかわったほうがいいんじゃないか? kazukazu88さんがリツイートしました
...reported Hillary Clinton had died and been replaced by a body double for a debate with Trump
しかし、おかしなことを考えるやつはどこにでもいるもんだな。 日本は睨みきかせないとダメだな。 さっこ先生の説明すごくわかりやすくていいと思うんだけど。

Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted


 The idea that the kind of food matters more than the number of calories consumed started as a heretical minority view but has gradually become mainstream. The old thinking that all calories are alike and obesity was caused by lack of willpower couldn’t explain why poverty, food deserts and obesity have been concentrated in the same communities.

But emerging from the fray is some agreement about the kind of diet that’s harmful to human health. Unfortunately, it includes the food that’s cheapest, most convenient, most available in poor areas, and most heavily marketed — foods and drinks that are high in sugar or corn syrup, and starchy foods such as white bread, chips and fries. 

When in the form of fruits, vegetables, beans or some whole grains, they are absorbed slowly because of the fibrous plant material surrounding the carbohydrates, but in white bread or sugary cereal or soda they’re absorbed fast and generate spikes of insulin. That insulin causes people to feel hungrier and put on weight. 

What nobody seems to thrive on is sugar, white flour, soda and fries. In his experience, people choose the wrong foods for economic reasons. “Many low-income families would love to have access to healthier whole foods.”


むかし、「お嬢」と呼ばれている女性がいた。(てか、おれが多少嫌味をこめて、呼んでいたら、そうなったーー本人は気に入っていた。) 意外と身近にあるP2P通信!そのメリット/デメリットやISMSでの考え方 

 へええ。どうなるんだろう。 具体的にはどんな危険性あるんだろうね? そういえば、日動火災は台風の損害でドバっとおりたけど、損保ジャパンは全然だめだったな。解約したわ。

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