


岩田健太郎 Kentaro Iwataさんがリツイート

How much protection you get from one shot of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna vaccines, according to the best available data

Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 22 hours ago


Stephen Evans, a professor of medical statistics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and a former drug-safety committee member at the European Medicines Agency, helped Insider break down the data.

Evans said there was "pretty clear evidence" that you get at least 80% protection — and "probably" better than 90% — for Pfizer's vaccine against COVID-19 with symptoms after a single dose

Evans said that you get at least 80% protection — and probably better than 90% — for Moderna's vaccine against COVID-19 with symptoms after a single dose for 28 days. 

The latest real-world data: One shot significantly reduces infections and transmission

A UK study found Pfizer or AstraZeneca's vaccine cut COVID-19 infections with symptoms by 72% after one dose, and protection probably held up for 10 weeks. Protection from Pfizer's vaccine rose to 90% after two doses. The study hasn't been peer-reviewed. 

A US study of essential workers found that a single dose of Pfizer of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines were 80% effective against all coronavirus infections from 14 days.




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