このコネティカットでの黒人トランス女性選手に対する裁判を行っているADFは米国内で反中絶やオバマケア潰し、ソドミー法継続をやってきて、国際的にもソドミー法や反中絶運動に巨額の資金を出している福音派団体という文脈なしで紹介・翻訳されているのがポイントかと https://t.co/Zn3WwMB4K1 https://t.co/WeZSKkBJ3t
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) May 21, 2021
“The essence of this argument is if you protect transgender people, this violates the rights of other people,” said Chase Strangio, deputy director for trans justice at the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU is representing the trans girls named in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit seeks to establish a chromosomal standard for girls’ high school sports – that only people with XX chromosomes should be able to compete, Strangio said.
“The starting premise is that trans girls are not girls, and the second premise is that boys are always better, stronger, faster than girls,” said Strangio.
The largest-ever study of how trans athletes perform after transitioning is still being conducted in the UK, but only includes 20 people.
She said she saw her own performance drop off after hormone therapy, and that such could be the case with other trans athletes.
No openly trans person has ever competed in the Olympics, although it has been allowed since 2004, under guidelines laying out how much testosterone an athlete can have in their body. But that rule too is being challenged – not by a trans athlete or a Christian group, but by a South African intersex running star.
There has been no large-scale dominance of transgender athletes in women’s sports
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