What are the Covid-19 variants and how do Alpha, Beta and Delta differ?
How do we fight the Delta variant?
Healthcare workers fighting India's second surge reported more varied and severe symptoms among COVID-19 patients, particularly among the younger populationIn previous surges, only about one in 10 patients suffered from depleting oxygen levels, whereas in this surge it was experienced by every second patient, Dr Basu said.Oxygen levels in patients also started to drop sooner than before.
TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on -Jun 9
As per recent reports, doctors suggest that the Delta variant, which apparently drove the second wave of COVID-19, is "more severe". Hearing loss, severe gastric problems and blood clots causing gangrene have been associated with the Delta variant by doctors in India.
Medical experts believe that the Delta variant could be the reason behind increased hospitalised patients.
Gangrene and hearing loss show delta variant may be more severe
デルタ変異種 感染力は強く、必要な集団免疫の割合も高く、症状も重いかも、と。
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