
“Do you know why Hitler committed suicide?”



Home | Opinion Opinion | Tokyo Olympics: An Old Holocaust Joke Is No Reason to Fire the Opening Ceremony Director

And now, in all seriousness, Hashimoto, tell us. Have you gone crazy? Here for example is a joke about the Holocaust in the comments section of an article on Kobayashi’s ouster in Haaretz – the oldest daily newspaper in the nation-state of the Jewish people. “Do you know why Hitler committed suicide?” a reader named Efraim asked. Shmul answered: “Because he got the gas bill.”

A few readers gave it a like, and nobody pressed the button to report it as an offensive content. I recommend that you look over the comment thread to realize that the people for whom – in their name – you fired a man for a 23-year-old joke were not offended. On the contrary, they’re much more worried about the “cancel culture” that more deserves the name “cancellation of culture.”

「 ヒットラーはなんで自殺したか知っている?」ー「ガス料金の請求書が来たんだ」






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