
Are Korean people someone's guinea pig?



Covid: Bolsonaro says Brazil will not buy Chinese-made vaccine

"The Brazilian people will not be anyone's guinea pig," he said.


With so many deaths after receiving the vaccine, the public is getting anxious.  People are questioning whether the vaccine that the South Korean government is providing for free is made in China and whether it is imported in order to test the Coronavirus vaccine on South Koreans.

On October 28, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), using its mouthpiece Global Times, told the South Korean government not to halt vaccinations, emphasizing, “there is a need to be rational about a flu vaccine that will help fight this year’s novel Coronavirus infection…although the concern among the public is increasing due to the deaths following the flu vaccination, the flu vaccine is essential in overcoming the twindemic (flu & COVID-19).” (Italics added by the author for emphasis.)  China’s vaccine expert Tao Lina stated “There is no causal relationship between flu vaccination and death, so the situation in Korea is just a coincidence” and “if the (South Korean) government halts vaccinations, then it is irresponsible.”  

 It seems the “rational” action is the Singaporean government’s swift action–stopping the vaccinations, at least until they discover the cause of the deaths.  It is unclear how the flu vaccine helps against Coronavirus infection, as asserted by China, unless the vaccine is for COVID-19, or how China was able to assess so quickly that there is no causal relationship between the vaccination and deaths in South Korea.  Moreover, South Korean citizens are asking why China is dictating to South Korea, in this case its internal matter of public vaccinations, especially when South Korea’s death toll is so high and it increases daily.



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