


 Pakistan: Hundreds rally against France anti-Islam wave

Supporters of religious party march on French consulate in Pakistan's largest city

Aamir Latif   |


 In recent weeks, Macron has attacked Islam and the Muslim community, accusing Muslims in France of “separatism” and describing Islam as “a religion in crisis all over the world.”

Following talks between the protesters and local administration, JI lawmaker Syed Abdul Rasheed was allowed to hand over a letter with demands to consulate officials.

The document conveyed Pakistanis’ anger over the recent move to project the blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad on French government buildings.

That happened on Oct. 21 as part of a tribute to Samuel Paty, a teacher who was beheaded in a Paris suburb earlier this month after showing the cartoons in class during a discussion on freedom of speech.

“We cannot accept attacks on Islam and Prophet Muhammad under the guise of freedom of speech. These have nothing to do with freedom of speech,” Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, JI’s Karachi chief, said at the rally.

“This is just a smear campaign that is part of the rising tide of Islamophobia in the Western world, mainly Europe.”

Govt Buildings in France Display Caricatures of Prophet Muhammad

マクロン氏がイスラム教は世界中で危機的状況にある、”a religion in crisis all over the world”といったことと、地方自治体のビルにシャルリへプドの風刺画が大きく投影されたことみたいだね。




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