
イラン、トルコ外務大臣 フランスでのイスラムテロを非難


Foreign Affairs 

No: 263, 29 October 2020, Press Release Regarding the Attack Perpetrated in Nice, France on 29 October 2020

We strongly condemn the attack perpetrated today inside the Notre-Dame de Nice Church in Nice, France. We convey our condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives in the attack and wish speedy recovery to the wounded.

There can be no reason to excuse the killing of a human being and justify violence. It is obvious that those who carried out such a brutal attack in a sacred place of worship have never benefited from religious, human and moral values.

As a country which fights against different sorts of terror and loses its citizens as a result of terrorism, we emphasize our solidarity with the French people, the residents of Nice in particular, against terrorism and violence.


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