
重症化率 これから支配的になるデルタ型はいまのアルファ型の2倍 接種遅れて失う命

Delta variant impact on hospitalisation revealed

The Delta variant of Covid-19 is associated with approximately double the risk of hospitalisation compared with the Alpha variant, according to a new nationwide study.


Vaccines were found to reduce the risk of being admitted to hospital, but strong protective effects against the Delta variant were not seen until at least 28 days after the first vaccine dose.

In community cases at least two weeks after the second dose, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was found to provide 79 per cent protection against infection from the Delta variant, compared with 92 per cent against the Alpha variant.

For the same scenario, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine offered  60 per cent protection against infection with the Delta variant compared with 73 per cent for the Alpha variant. This lower vaccine effect may reflect that is takes longer to develop immunity with Oxford-AstraZeneca, experts say.


で、デルタ型に対してはファイザー79% アストラ60%の予防率 つまりアストラでも効果はでている。 

Press release

Vaccines highly effective against hospitalisation from Delta variant

the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective against hospitalisation after 2 doses

the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against hospitalisation after 2 doses

重症化率というのか入院化率というのか、ファイザーは96%有効 アストラでも92%有効・・・・






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