また@Dimi さんのスクープ。
— Tetsuo Kotani/小谷哲男 (@tetsuo_kotani) June 30, 2021
付け加えるなら、日本側はオバマ政権に台湾有事に備えた作戦計画策定を提案したが、受け入れられなかったらしい。 https://t.co/x1NyI08YUQ
In the event of a war over Taiwan, the US would rely on air bases in Japan. But that raises the odds that Tokyo would be dragged into the conflict, particularly if China tried to destroy the bases in an effort to hobble the US.
“The Japanese government has increasingly recognised, and even acknowledges publicly, that the defence of Taiwan equates to the defence of Japan,” said Heino Klinck, a former top Pentagon official who oversaw military relations with Japan and Taiwan from late 2019 until the end of the Trump administration.
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