まだ移動が少なく北九州市みたいな比較的小さな都市でさえ緊急事態宣言解除からたった10日で感染経路の分からない感染者が出てくる状況なのに、これに国内旅行を奨励する「Go To トラベルキャンペーン」やるとか、狂っているとしか。せめて、検査体制と追跡班を全国で整備してからの政策だろうに
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) May 27, 2020
Destinations known by Mercedes Hutton
Japan wants tourists to return so much it’s offering to pay for half of their travel expenses, perhaps
With the state of emergency now lifted, the nation looks ahead to life after the coronavirus with a novel campaign to attract visitors
For a country that is notoriously costly to see, the prospect of half-price holidays is undeniably appealing
Mercedes Hutton
Mercedes Hutton
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