
“They see us as savages or uncivilized,”


It also preyed upon poverty: Many Navajo live crowded in small homes where social distancing is impossible, and 40 percent of those on the reservation lack running water, according to Kathleen Norton of the Center for American Indian Health at Johns Hopkins University.

Because many patients have diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, there are more deaths among younger people than elsewhere in the United States, said Loretta L. Christensen, a Navajo doctor at the hospital.

“They are barely getting along in normal times, and the pandemic comes along and exacerbates an already overtaxed and underfunded health care system,” said Rear Adm. Michael Weahkee, the director of the Indian Health Service, who was visiting the hospital.



“They see us as savages or uncivilized,” って、記者のクリストフも同じなわけだが・・・・

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