


Article 10 (freedom of Expression) As with earlier cases involving Holocaust denial or statements relating to Nazi crimes, the Court examined Mr Pastörs’ complaint under both Article 10 and Article 17 (prohibition of abuse of rights).

 The Court noted that the domestic courts had performed a thorough examination of Mr Pastörs’utterances and it agreed with their assessment of the facts. It could not accept, in particular, his assertion that the courts had wrongfully selected a small part of his speech for review. In fact, they had looked at the speech in full and had found much of it did not raise an issue under criminal law. 

However, those other statements had not been able to conceal or whitewash his qualified Holocaust denial, with the Regional Court stating that the impugned part had been inserted into the speech like “poison into a glass of water, hoping that it would not be detected immediately”. The Court placed emphasis on the fact that the applicant had planned his speech in advance, deliberately choosing his words and resorting to obfuscation to get his message across, which was a qualified Holocaust denial showing disdain to its victims and running counter to established historical facts.

It was in this context that Article 17 came into play as the applicant had sought to use his right to freedom of expression to promote ideas that were contrary to the text and spirit of the Convention. Furthermore, while an interference with freedom of speech over statements made in a Parliament deserved close scrutiny, such utterances deserved little if any protection if their context was at odds with the democratic values of the Convention system. Summing up, the Court held that Mr Pastörs had intentionally stated untruths in order to defame the Jews and the persecution that they had suffered. The interference with his rights also had to be examined in the context of the special moral responsibility of States which had experienced Nazi horrors to distance themselves from the mass atrocities. The response by the courts, the conviction, had therefore been proportionate to the aim pursued and had been “necessary in a democratic society”. The Court found there was no appearance of a violation of Article 10 and rejected the complaint as manifestly ill-founded.

 ある発言が毒であるなら、それを公開の場で その発言が毒である所以を指摘して糾弾すべき、というのが私見

  Article 10 – Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises. 2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary. 第一〇条(表現の自由) 1 すべての者は、表現の自由についての権利を有する。この権利には、公の機関による干渉を受けることなく、かつ国境とかかわりなく、かつ、意見を持つ自由並びに情報及び考えを受け及び伝えるテレビ又は映画の諸企業を許可制を要求することを妨げるものではない。 2 1の自由の行使については、義務及び責任を伴い、法律によって定められた手続き、条件、制限又は刑罰であ って、国の安全、領土の保全若しくは公共の安全のため、無秩序若しくは道徳の保護のため、他の者の信用若しくは権 利の保護のため、秘密に受けた情報の暴露を防止するため、又は、司法機関の権威及び公平さを維持するため民主的社会において必要なものを課することができる。
一七条〈権利bフ乱用の禁止)この条約のいかなる規定も、国、集団又は個人がこの条約において認められる権利及び自由を破壊し若しくはこの条約に定める制限の範囲を超えて制限することを目的とする活動に従事し又はそのようなことを目的とする行為を行う権 利を有することを意味することができない。


 例えば、韓国では、慰安婦について、韓国ナショナリズムのナラティブに合わない言説は元慰安婦に対する侮辱として、禁止、刑罰の対象に なっているようであるが、それでいいのか?








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