I hereby renounce the gay and profess my undying love for this womanpic.twitter.com/qTQwqzzxsb— 🏳️🌈 Max 🏳️🌈 (@SpillerOfTea) 2019年10月6日
We're just here in Uxbridge today, Boris Johnson's constituency…'
'Don't you ever mention that name in front of me, that filthy piece of toeragToerag とはなんぞや
Urban dictionary
Toe Rag
toerag an extremely unpleasant person
toeragA contemptible or worthless person.靴下の代わりに履かれていたボロ布を意味し、その延長でそうしたものを履く人、つまり、路上生活者、犯罪者、極めて不愉快な人を意味するにようになった、と。
Mid 19th century originally denoting a rag wrapped round the foot as a sock or, by extension, the wearer (such as a vagrant).
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