
The crimes against humanity being committed against the Korean people in the north

Oct 6, 2019, 11:46pm Who Will Address The Issue Of Mass Atrocities In North Korea? Ewelina U. Ochab
This is why the International Bar Association’s War Crimes Committee, it's North American Office and the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea are conducting an Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity in North Korean Detention Centers (the Inquiry). The Inquiry is unofficial and is intended to follow-on from the U.N. Commission of Inquiry. The new inquiry will focus on the alleged mass atrocities perpetrated in North Korean detention centers and calls for submissions from NGOs, human rights organizations, academics and anyone else who may have any relevant information on crimes against humanity in North Korea.
 韓国の異常さ、というのは北朝鮮に対する態度でよくわかる。  植民地をもった国としては異例である、謝罪と補償をした日本に対して敵対意識を持ち続け、建国のときよりいま現在まで同族の朝鮮人を苦しめてきた金一族を抱擁する。  それを異常と思わない韓国のジャーナリストも日本の記者たちも・・・異常だなああ。

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