まっ、気持ちの問題。咳してツバが飛ぶと思うと嫌だしね。この命題は検証済み。マスクに感染率低下の効果無し、の世界初のランダム化比較臨床研究は我々が行った。その後の追試もほぼ同様の結果。国際的科学コミュニティも結果を支持。https://t.co/VaBiwVlWQR https://t.co/IIaI6180ZH— 徳田安春(Yasuharu Tokuda, MD MPH)医師、筑波大客員教授、映画鑑賞、読書 (@yasuharutokuda) February 10, 2020
この人(Yasuharu Tokuda)のリンクで論文の概要見ましたが、ひどいですね。
Methods: Health care workers in a tertiary care hospital in Japan were randomized into 2 groups: 1 that wore face masks and 1 that did not. They provided information about demographics, health habits, and quality of life. Participants recorded symptoms daily for 77 consecutive days
Result: Thirty-two health care workers completed the study, resulting in 2464 subject days. There were 2 colds during this time period, 1 in each group.