

Children with underlying health conditions face a greater risk for developing severe complications if they contract COVID-19 than previously thought, according to a new study published Monday.

"The idea that COVID-19 is sparing of young people is just false," said study coauthor Lawrence Kleinman in a statement. Kleinman, a professor at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, is also the chief of the school's Department of Pediatrics' Division of Population Health, Quality and Implementation Science. "While children are more likely to get very sick if they have other chronic conditions, including obesity, it is important to note that children without chronic illness are also at risk. Parents need to continue to take the virus seriously."

Though researchers said there was still a need for additional studies on pediatric COVID-19 patients, they said the data collected thus far indicates seasonal influenza still poses a larger threat to children than COVID-19 "pointing to the imperative for ongoing preventive pediatric health maintenance during this time."


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