スウェーデンのノーガード戦法は成功しつつある https://t.co/9RxSoSAj7M ロックダウン,学校閉鎖といった全面処置を行わず,50人以上の集会を禁止し老人ホーム訪問を規制する等ピンポイントな対応をするスウェーデン。同国のCOVID-19死亡率は他のスカンジナビア諸国より高いが大陸国の多くより低い
— Spica (@Kelangdbn) April 20, 2020
The death toll in Sweden is higher than those in the Scandinavian region of Europe, which also includes Denmark and Norway — countries with smaller populations — but it falls significantly below those of Italy, Spain, and the UK, Bloomberg News reported.
A handful of recommendations were offered to Swedes by the government, including suggestions to stop nonessential travel, to work from home, to keep a distance from others in public, and to regularly wash their hands. The government banned gatherings of over 50 people and enacted a moratorium of visiting places like nursing homes, according to the previous Business Insider report.
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