日本の方針はその通りかと思います。— 怠惰に暮らしたいトド (@tsukuru_ouu) April 24, 2020
Report 16: Role of testing in COVID-19 control
Widespread testing of symptomatic suspected COVID-19 cases in the community would support
monitoring of the epidemic, but is unlikely to help reduce transmission since individuals with
suspected COVID-19 are already advised to self-isolate.
In Wuhan, China, sustained reductions in the reproduction number
23 April 2020 Imperial College COVID-19 response team
DOI: Page 6 of 13
were achieved through quarantine of suspected COVID-19 cases based on symptoms and universal,
door-to-door symptom surveys (9).
このレポートで、ロックダウンが緩和された後の記述をしているところはここ。すぐに結果がわかるレベルで検査のターゲットを症状がある者に絞ること、大規模な検査体制の必要性が指摘されている。1日29000以上の検査が必要となると。日本の人口は英国の2倍。 pic.twitter.com/PEYm2F8La3— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) April 24, 2020
Even without recursive tracing, testing of contacts would require substantial test numbers and
significant investment of laboratory and staff resources. For example, in England between 18 March
and 16 April 2020 on average 15,000 calls to the NHS 111 helpline were triaged as potential COVID-19
cases each day (35). Although lockdown was ordered on the 23 March, reducing reported daily
contacts from about 11 to just 3 on average (36), this would still imply a need for about 15,000 x 4 =
60,000 tests per day to support testing of suspected cases and their contacts. Moreover, testing of
contacts would not reduce their contribution to transmission unless it promoted individual adherence
to self-isolation and infection control (i.e. a behavioural effect).
In the longer term, when the incidence of COVID-19 is much lower and lockdown lifted, testing could
target suspected cases only, with a focus on timely results. Substantial testing would still be required,
however, because of the continued incidence of ILI and the return to higher numbers of daily contacts.
For example, during a typical influenza season, daily ILI rates in England are about 2,400 (4 per
100,000) based on GP consultations and substantially higher based on self-reported symptoms (37),
therefore requiring >29,000 tests daily to exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection
医療介護従事者については、症状の有無に関わらず検査は必要だし、隔離から開放する場合にも検査は有用というSummary の内容と”could”” would” という語の使用からすると、毎日6万件、2万9千件の検査が必要になるかもしれないが、相当の量の検査と検査設備と人員の投資が必要になるので、実際にはそこまでやる必要がない、という含意じゃないの?
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