


Compared with most other countries, objective living circumstances in Finland are very good indeed: the rates of poverty, homelessness, and other forms of material deprivation are as low as they get; people have universal and free access to world-class education and health care; parental leaves are generous and paid vacations are long.

But there is more to the story. We should not ignore expectations, the other aspect of the formula used in the World Happiness Report.

フィンランドは幸福度世界1位・・・貧困率も少ない、ホームレスも少ない、医療は無料で、教育も無料、 育児休業も寛大だし、有給期間も長い・・・しかしそれだけで、世界一幸福になれるわけではなくて、フィンランドの人はそもそも人生に多くを期待していないのだ、と。


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