"Education is important, but it is clearly not enough to level the playing field, or to lift people up from poorer backgrounds." Dr. Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, a grassroots organization that campaigns for economic equality, told VICE Impact "In many professions, privately educated students receive significantly higher pay than their state school counterparts, even when they've received exactly the same degree from the same university. There's also a huge class pay gap in many top jobs in the UK."
"Education is important, but it is clearly not enough to level the playing field, or to lift people up from poorer backgrounds." Dr. Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director of The Equality Trust, a grassroots organization that campaigns for economic equality, told VICE Impact "In many professions, privately educated students receive significantly higher pay than their state school counterparts, even when they've received exactly the same degree from the same university. There's also a huge class pay gap in many top jobs in the UK."
For example, while it is widely considered to be a big win that more British students hold A levels (equivalent to AP credits and a stepping stone to a university degree) than previous generations, admissions to top universities remain extremely selective with few spots available – and these are typically reserved for rich private school kids. Parents are more motivated by the fear of downward mobility than the prospect of upward mobility.
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