
Hardest hit was the hospitality sector with a loss of 53,000 jobs

Hardest hit was the hospitality sector with a loss of 53,000 jobs or 4.2 percent on-year as the coronavirus epidemic kept people at home.

The epidemic also hurt business facility management, which includes travel agencies, rental car companies, cleaning services, security companies and call centers. They lost 12,000 jobs or one percent.

People wait in line to apply for unemployment benefits at an employment office in Seoul on Tuesday. /Yonhap
The arts and sports service sector, which includes performance halls and fitness centers, lost 6,000 jobs or two percent. The three sectors account for 14 percent of Korea's GDP but a whopping 21 percent of Korea's total labor force, although average wages are relatively low.

Businesses with fewer than 30 workers suffered most, with jobs growing by only 110,000 in February compared to 228,000 in January.

接客業、旅行代理店、レンタカー、クリーニング、警備会社 コールセンター、コンサートホール、演芸場、スポーツジム、30人以下の中小企業・・・・ 失業者の津波・・・韓国の話だけど、日本だって似たようなものだろう。

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